Well I have been doing alot of research, as I am in the market for a turbo kit again for a new pro.
Here are a few questions for you about this kit.
What keeps that recoil rope from falling off the additional pulley? If it comes off wont it be resting of that hot tubine?
You say you have done your testing with airbox mounted fuel injectors but you also state you dont have control box yet? Whats really going on?
You dont know what size injectors your using for secondarys? Do you know what size the stockers are? And what they are capable of?
I have been around alot of these turbo sleds, and I have seen airbox and charge tube mounted additional injectors, and they DONT work when they are on and off the throttle alot. Have called a few other turbo builders, and they claim that when your on and off the throttle, the fuel still sprays for a bit and hits the closed throttle plates, than eventually builds up enough to cause the sled to bog out.
Also with all the failures with throttle body boots on these polaris sled, I would assume oring fitted airbox and boots would be the only way to go, if you want a reliable setup. I personally owned one, and no matter what you do, them boots are going to fail. You must not have enough miles on yours yet, or got a good boot. I have seen them come apart on stock sleds even.
Does the system have a blow off valve?
You claim its a complete bolt on turbo kit, but do you have cut or move any of them hoses? Or do you supply new hoses? What if I wanted to return my sled back to stock, what will I need to buy to do so?
There are alot of neat setups out there for these Pros, keep up the work.