ok, heres the deal.
Went up today. Rode out of greenrock.
Blizzard conditions up top.
We were the 3 and 4 persons out on the trails. Since the wind was so bad we decided to just hit 130 and ride around to the west side.
By the time we got to chit house hill we were the only sleds on the trail, we were breaking 2+ feet of snow on the trail. Most fun I have ever had on the trails.
By the time we got to the west side (over by chains end where the trail turns north) the snow was windshield deep. Spent the entire day at 3/4 to full throttle.
The snow is spring time snow. Heavy and wet. Sucks up a lot of power to get thru it.
Rode 5 hours, only about 30 miles and burned up over 3/4 of a tank of fuel.
Had trouble with the video today but I will try and get some pics up.
Sometimes ya just gotta take the day off and ride.
My boss isn't too happy, but I sure am.
This is a bad pick, it was crazy flat light. I actually fell off a 5' drop off. Drove right off the darn thing. Never even saw it coming.
Wife thought it was funny as heck.