The Snowpulse takes quite a while to deflate. It's not going to be flat in just a few minutes, rather it takes a good half hour or so to be soft. It's designed to SLOWLY deflate after time with pressure on it (meaning "IF" you're buried and have snow pressing on the bag) to give a "possibly" buried victim some room and air. So if you're on top of the snow with nothing pushing on the bag, it's gonna take quite a while to deflate, at least a half hour or so until it's limp and is too deflated to float in an avy.
If a second avy occurs and you're still standing at the bottom of the hill an hour later, why didn't you get out of the danger zone when you had an hour to regain your thoughts after the avy??? If you're partially buried with the big red bag on the surface, your rescue group should find you and get out of the danger zone in plenty of time. If it takes someone an hour to walk up the hill to the big red bag and pull you out, they're kinda sloooowwwww! In that case, get new friends to ride with instead of blaming it on your avy pack that saved you from the avalanche in the first place.
Don't be worried about the bag deflating, the manufacturer took that into account when designing the pack and made it so it deflates in the right amount of time, under the right circumstances.
MARCUSCO, I would like you to please show me where it is you think you saw some snowpluse statistics that were positive? If they had some stats of their own I would like to know why they were using ABS's statistics in the Canadian snowpulse ads last winter.
Ever heard of anybody getting killed while wearing a Snowpulse pack? At least 3 people have died with ABS packs. Snowpulse doesn't have as many years behind it, only 2, but there have been NO negative statistics about it. Show me some negative stats about it, i'm curious to see (that means statistics, not "he/she said this about it and they don't like it").
BOTH SnowPulse and ABS are great packs. The injuries and fatalaties that have occurred while wearing avalanche airbags are not the packs fault. The riders who triggered the avalanche or got in its way are to blame. The designers of these packs are quite intelligent and have spent much more time thinking these things through than the average snowmobiler has. Each pack has it's pros and cons.
Not bashing any pack here, just trying to clear some things up.
Just my 2 cents in this game