Holy Buckets, I got-a turn on my computer more often!
I honestly think you guys are pickn' on me!
Lets get one thing straight: The big cat did not break down, I just ran out of my special blend of race fuel mixed with my special blend of synthetic oils and compounds and could not borrow fuel from anyone! ( By the way Don, I owe you a tail light!)
What a blast. I thoroughly enjoy everyone that makes this trip. I met some killer new friends too. It's always a pleasure putting names to faces over there. Lots of fun and some serious riding--- and y'all know how I like to be completely serious!!!
Jody and Slim, need I say more... Thanks again for the hospitality even when you guys are having a "challenging time." I love visiting your "ranch/cabin" in the country. Love that place! Slimmy, still like draggen up hills with ya just to see your grin when you whip up on me! You two realy know how to have fun and show others respect and a good time.
Josh, it's always a pleasure to ride with you and the other Alticity guys. What great guys Mike and Todd are. I can see why you guys are such good friends. It was great to see you guys tear it up with no camera in your back pack. I can't believe you had fuel left every day to get back to the truck! I'm gonna miss Alticity, but I'd rather ride with you guys in Afton every year.
Kev, you looked like a 100 bucks man!!! Loved that Nitro! Addicting to say the least. Thanks again for the pool lessons. Can't wait to hook up again next year. Drag Tommy with you next year regardless of his gambling problem... hehehe... By the way, it's amazing how smooth those Wy shots go down in your second year. Still very cleansing.
Beatty's hill: Have to put that on the map... Crazy. Teambuilding experience to say the least. Big Johns like a frickn' mule! Those momments are the ones that you'll tell stories about from now on. Wish, way to hang with the big boys all week. Sled looks great too.
Had a good time getting to know Big John a lot better. There's not a Doo out there he can't fill dinner conversation with. Appreciate him making that long trip from Minn.
Ralphy, thanks again for the tour and fishing out the sun for us. Ralph will leave no slow flake unturned on a good cornis. It was nice meating Kassy too. Great gal.
Beels! The sole Canadian representn'... Kept trying to sell me "a-boat" though. ??? Always a kick in the pants hangn' with Darce. Best story teller you'll ever hang with.
I took a few pics and I'll try and get them up soon.