I looked into this several years ago, all suggestions above are good, with regards to 1" ID inline heater...that would work on water pump hose, but due to the proximity of steering column, injecters, jackshaft, bulkhead, oil resevoir, etc. there was simply not enough room & the top side hosers are .75 ID. Now I'm not saying it can't be done, but you would have to get creative. One interesting thing, on cold, clear nights, the snowmobiles parked in uninsulated aluminum trailers will get colder than snowmobiles just left outside. We're talkin early morning starts, -10F & colder overnight. I run a bit of isopropyl in every fuel up, regardless, as these motors are quite susceptable to moisture in the fuel. So my routine (with no external heat available) is to double check the ignition key is on/tether plugged in, kill sw. off, sounds silly but ...we've all done it! Verify throttle and brake are moving freely. Give the motor a few slow chugs, then with no slack in recoil, pull in earnest...still will be slow chuggin but surprisingly it doesn't take much to fire. Normally I wouldn't recommend this, but when it's frosty out, if you have a buddy to squeeze the flipper a bit @ start up, that will do the trick also. Once the cylinders are warm, shut'er down & check that coolant hasn't morphed into icy green slurpee, if it has, just go through a couple heat cycles until it melts. On the plus side, in cold weather the Liberties run like no other...they likey big, fat, oxygen molecules!