Wow, we have Progressive as our auto carrier. I have my personal and farm vehicles under my own policy, and my parents have my sister and their vehicles including farm vehicles under another policy. Unfortunately we've had quite a few claims from deer and parking lots at college. We haven't had any complaints with them. The adjusters have worked with us very closely to make sure things are done as we want them. I don't know if it has anything to do with having a couple college buddies as adjusters or we've gotten lucky. I hit a deer, totalled my car and ended up being forced by my gf to go to the ER. The ins. paid everything down to the pain pill prescription. We won't allow anything but new OEM parts put back on our vehicles and Progressive has been really good about doing that too. None of our vehicles have cheap jap crap on them. We have had more trouble with other insurance companies trying to pull that on us. I was rear ended at a stop light during college and Allstate was the worst to get a long with. Their adjuster was a jerk.
Our insurance rates have gone up minimally because of our claims. We are currently in the process changing all of our insurance to Farmer's Union because of the discounts that we get because of our farm insurance, but I would not be hesitate to go back with Progressive after my experience with them. I must be part of the fortunate minority.
When looking at sled insurance with progressive it was way too expensive to even compare to Farmer's Union. I have never had my sleds insured through them.