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I certainly agree if I worked as a County or Municipal officer or Highway Patrol dealing with snowmobile issues would and should be a lower priority. However I am employed as a Park Ranger for the SD Division of Parks and Recreation where outdoor recreation is our main focus and priority. The users of our parks demand that they and their families can visit our parks and feel safe. Many of our parks on a busy weekend contain more people than many of the communities within our state. We also deal with boating issues on the lakes within and near our parks. 6 full time Park Rangers provide law enforcement services for all of SD State Parks. The State of SD is responsible for the administration of the snowmobile program. The state has a MOU (memorandum of understanding) for the establishment of a trail system on the Black Hills National forest.
Snowmobiling in the Black Hills is unique in that it provides well known trail opportunities as well as some back country riding (nothing that will ever rival the mountains to the west). We have riders that come to only ride trails, others who try hard to avoid trails and others who do a little of both. Approximately 200+ rental sleds are available and are usually all rented each weekend. Many have little experience ot knowledge on snowmobiles and some have never seen snow before. They are not restricted to trails and find themselves in situations they cannot get out of. Many times other snowmobilers rescue them, sometimes we run across them but if they call for help we are called to respond. SAR is also sometimes called but they rely heavely on us since we have more experience and better equipment. Rentals account for 2/3 of the accidents I deal with. Our use is a little over 50% non-residents.
The Black Hills is also unique in it is Federal USFS land intermixed with private lands. We are called to deal with trespass complaints. Local County law enforcement does not have the officers available or the equipment to deal with these complaints (they are dealing with the other area's of society).
The SD Division of Parks and Recreation currently does not have any involvement with ATV use on FS lands. The USFS has enforcement resposibilities for ATV use on their lands. I do get involved with motorcycle use in Custer State Park during the Sturgis rally. Most of our time is spent responding to numerous motorcycle accidents and keeping the bison from running over bikes (bison hate Harley's).
I also believe in priorities. Even though the segment of population I have been hired to serve may not be a priority in some peoples mind I do place priorities in the law enforcement I provide. They are as folllows in decending order of priority:
1. Protect people from others
2. Protect people from the resource
3. Protect the resource from the people
4. Encourage a stable revenue source
There are 2 of use providing snowmobile law enforcement on a full time basis. The 2 of us make up .1% of Law Enforcement Officers in the state of SD to serve .1% of the registered vehicles in SD plus all of our non-resident visitors.