...a LOT of truth in this!I’ve ridden my 850 at low altitude U.P.
And high altitude 8-10k
Huge difference!
Riding at 8-10 I always want a smidge more power..
After 3-5 days of ridding I can’t lift my arms anyway.. so how much more power can my body handle?
I work out 5 days a week, lift weights, cardio ect..
Race mountain bikes all summer
So I would say I’m well above average fitness level..
So at 50 years old I would have to ride
More than my usual 10 days a season
To benefit from the turbo?
Or work out more and get stronger?
So my point is how much power is usable at a riders fitness level
I think 165hp at all elevations is perfect for me.
More than 165hp would waste me!
I think this new 850t is spot on!
So you guys looking for 200+ Hp
Must be riding a lot!
Or have monster fitness!
Or more power just makes riding easier?
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