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Nov 26, 2007
Thunder Bay, ont
skidoo 850 clutch kit ibackshift 3.jpg
Ski-Doo 850 Clutch Kits and Lynx 850 Clutch Kits by Dynamo Joe, Pulls Hard to the finish, MORE track speed, QUICKER backshift, STRONGEST engine braking, SMOOTHEST engagement speed, COOLER clutches and belt temperatures.

If you’ve been thinking about a clutch kit, Then the best time is to Prepare now.
Some people wait too long and then act like its an emergency; “get me a kit, like…yesterday”.

You want one and its 2 weeks before Christmas, or a week or so after New years and expect one to show up before the weekend? You’re competing with the rivalry of consumers overloading all-shipping during the holiday season.

Prepare for your clutch kit now.
Watch our install vidyas install it yourself.
Get it installed for your first ride so when you pin it, it feels like the first time.

About iBackshift clutch kits
  • Cooler clutch and belt temperature
  • Smooth low rpms engagement
  • Quicker Backshift
  • Strongest engine braking
  • More track speed
  • .............Pulls hard to the finish
Here’s where you're going....
skidoo 850 clutch kit ibackshift.jpg

You made it...
skidoo 850 clutch kit 2 ibackshift.jpg

iBackshift owners say
  • I love the smooth engagement to; feather the track to get unstuck.
  • Its the strongest; engine braking I've ever felt.
  • "I could stand up and drink a coffee coming down this hill haha".
  • Tight connection between my thumb and snow.
  • Love how it pulls hard just like your older kits
  • Loved it on my 600 and now this 850, whoa.
  • Each time I order a new sled; this is always my first purchase. I love the Backshift.
  • Finally got snow and have a few rides on my clutch kit! Performs great, great power, love the Backshift. The engine braking is weird to me and definitely something to get used to.
  • My sled is not abruptly annoying on the bottom end anymore
  • My wife loves the clutching now
  • BANG....8 grand, hang on.
  • Wow Joe, clutch kits aren’t Foo-Foo dust, haha
  • Feedback posts @ DooTalk click
Throttle control
Feather smooth engagement for slow, wrong foot forward. The handlebars don't surge, tugging on your hands. After you made it, blip the throttle, time it right, do a victory wheelie.

Pulls hard
Full throttle, the feeling is like having a gigantic hand on the front bumper, pulling you up even the steepest hill. "woo hoo" and then its holding the sled back with strong engine braking coming down.
When you need the power to overtake your buddy, there is more power on tap to speed up and pass. Side by side breaking fresh snow, full throttle, pull away strong to the finish.

Good mileage
Drive the clutch kit with the same fuel economy as stock clutching, most times even better. With the low revving at part throttle, high torque feature when you need to drive for fuel economy on the way out >> Drive it gently, and be rewarded with lower fuel consumption at part throttle....arrive back at the trailer.

There is more engine power under your thumb, waiting to be used. And....I promise you're going to get stuck !

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