Well-known member
I think it can go on either way. Mine came off with the team logo on the x and I put the new helix on with the team logo towards the x. Got mine fired up a few minutes ago, sounds about the same as when I had a mbrp can on it. Suppose to leave tonight for the snowies but one guy had some BS come up so now we wont leave until Sat night or Sun morning. My boost gauge reads vac pressure on the stand. Reved it up some but still reads like minus 4 psi I am at 900 ft here so I only have the control knob turned out 3 turns. Do we need to bleed the coolant system? If so how do we do it. On the ski doo we just jacked up the front end and ran it through a few heat cycles.
Just wonder about the sound ,,is it much louder than stock,,,would my neighbours be upset if I pulled into the garge at 2 in the morning???