Wow, I have read all the posts here and I am absolutely amazed that there are only 2 people here that have a brain (Skidoorulz and Bigbird). The rest of you clowns don't have a clue, especially you Mafesto. You say that some people want to provide a good home and care for something just like kids. Ok fine and dandy, if you think your animals are your kids keep them where you can provide and care for them.....your yard!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with dogs, however I do not have dogs therefore I do not want dog sh%$ in my yard, nor do I want to hear someone else's dogs running down the street barking all the way by my house at 5:30 in the morning or 11:00 at night. Would you let a 3 year old child run the neighborhood unsupervised??? I think not. And for you people that say the guy should be gutted like a fish or If they were your dogs he'd be eating through a straw, you people are the ones that feel real tuff after about 10 beers, but truth be known someone call you to the carpet for real over your idiocy and you would probably pee down your legs. If these dogs were poisened while trespassing on someone else's property they got what was coming, their owners should have kept them (their kids)home. I will agree that if this guy is going around poisoning dogs on their own home property then he is in the wrong. Now for a little fact for all you people that think dogs or animals in general are equal to humans, in Montana it is completely leagal for a dog or any animal to be killed for harrassing livestock, they can be legally killed by the livestock owner or law enforcement. Sure sounds like they are human to me. Now for all you tuff guys that will fire back and want to kick my *** or gut me like a fish. Don't waste your breath I am only posting once and will not be drawn into your 8 year old meet me on the playground mentality.