Life is evolution. We can never wind the clock back. God, I wish we could because we know so much more now than when we needed it.Stuck with what has happened is what we are. We learn and change to adapt to survive. Every time we suffer a loss like this passion runs high here. That's good. it creates discussion and THAT alone is good. It is about our experiences, our lessons learned and our desire not to repeat bad things. I suggest re-reading this whole post and seeing what you can glean out of it that is postive. Lots of great opinions here and others that just are not yet developed from experience. All have a voice and some voices just help us reconfirm bad or good what we have learned from the past. Forget the tiny details and agree to help one another learn, to help one another stay safe in any way possible. I think that over the years before we 'knew' all the risks or had great on-line avy reports, it could have been any of us on any given day back then. "there, but for the grace of God, go I." Now we know better. Teach someone what you know and learned possibly the hard way. take from all of these deaths possibly a desire to NOT have it repeated if possible.
Well said.