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Ship Pipe to Dan Davidoff (Krazy Canadian) But he doesnt Pay

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Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
I needed to vent and see if I’m crazy, nieve, to good of a person, or if in fact I really did get screwed.
Over the summer, my buddy shared a link on his FB page regarding Dan Davidoff (Krazy Canadian), and the fact Dan was looking for a M800 pipe. I had a ceramic coated pipe off my 2010 M8 that I wasn’t using anymore. I tried selling it at our local swap meets the last two years but no takers. Figured it was my best chance to off load it, and make a little cash.

So, I PM’d Dan, and took pics of the pipe, and he liked what he seen. I noticed some rusting around the edges and I even polished the pipe before I mailed it out to him. So we started the negotiations. I started out saying $200 + shipping, OR 150 + Shipping + Krazy swag. So we agreed on $100 + shipping + Krazy Swag.
I did a quick estimate over the UPS online and seen shipping was only “$40”. So I told Dan that I agreed with his counter of $100 + $40 shipping + swag. Dan indicated he would give me Krazy 6 & 7, Beanie & Calendar. Dan agreed that he’d be at the Puyallup, WA snow show this fall and he’d hand me the stuff. I figured this was legit and no big deal. So I’d get some cash now, and get the rest a few months later.
So, when I went to UPS to actually ship the pipe, it came to $118 shipping (long story). Instead of backing out, because I made a deal with Dan, I kept my word and shipped him the pipe. At the same time he pay-pal’d me the $140. So, I only made $22 selling that pipe to Dan. Ok cut my losses, and learned a valuable lesson about shipping to Canada.
Ok, fast forward to this September… I was energetic about the snow show (like we all are), but also energetic about going to Dan’s booth and picking up my gear. Well, come to find out, he bailed on the Puyallup Show and decided to go to the Edmonton Show…So, I figured ok, business decision. No big deal.<O:p</O:p
I PM’d Dan about what to do next. He “forgot” about our deal and was sorry that he wasn’t at the Puyallup show and wanted to throw me some stuff. I told him I’d rather take the cash value and call it a day.
After discussing again, we agreed on $75, and he would pay-pal me….That was 2 weeks ago.
So, all in all, I learned a valuable lesson. First don’t mail anything to Canada unless you positively know the cost to ship. Second, don’t trust someone who, I feel, has an influence on the sledding industry. I take myself as a trusting person. I help my buddies, lend a hand, and put them higher on the priority list when it comes to helping out because I know what it’s like needing a hand. Considering this guy is in sled films, talks about being a good ambassador to the sport, and preaches avvy safety, who would have thought he would shaft a fellow sledder.

So, whats your opinion? Did I get screwed? or am I crazy for thinking I’d be able to recover anything else. At this point I’ve written the pipe off, and any monetary compensation. Just looking to see what everyones thought are. Charitable contributions are greatly appreciated – LOL j/k.
(Not that i think anyone willl...but If anyone is calling me a liar i can print the FB message and show you the discussions)

Davidoff Shipped pipe.jpg
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 2, 2010
well i think you're being a bit hastey and overly sensitive about posting a thread like this. You pretty much screwed yourself on the 1st half of the deal for not getting a written shipping quote from the carrier before you took payment. But you did the right thing and kept your word and the deal and ate the loss. As far as the 2 weeks of waiting for the $75 paypal goes... It takes a bit to move money from a bank to paypal in my experience. So it may be a combination of waiting for that and being busy with many other things... Just contact him and remind him a couple times... just my .02 since you asked.

I've been screwed by someone in the sledding industry... bought 2 tracks that were told were one thing, and turned out to be something else. Wouldn't give me my money back either ($600) because "it was already spent". but thats another story. Moral of the story: Trust but verify (with part #!!) and never ever ever ship anything without being paid in full. Its a shame, but you gotta cover your own arse these days...

Matte Murder

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May 4, 2011
I think you should take down this post. I get that the deal didn't go well but from the title it sounds like you got ripped off. You haven't yet and I don't think you will, just be patient. I would bet you $75:face-icon-small-win that you will get your money pretty quick. Just call him and remind him. I would think for a guy in the sled business this is really a hectic time and you just got forgotten.
Nov 9, 2001
Lincoln Nebraska
Unless you have received a actual email saying he is not going to pay up than I would stand down on the "ripped off" part of this until you are certain that will be the outcome.

In the event that is the outcome I would ABSOLUTELY re-post this.
Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
this originally started back in June. its been 2 weeks since we last agreed on the $75. granted its not going to break the bank. I've gone this long witout it and its not like i'm not looking for empty cans to make ends meet...but do i really need to bug the pi$$ out of someone when you make a deal? anyway, i see everyones point. good to see other opinions.
Nov 11, 2010
Salmon Arm BC
It's show season so he's probably been on the road for 2 weeks. I saw him at the Edmonton show and I imagine he was at the Saskatoon show last weekend too. That combined with running his business puts a lot on his plate.
Nov 28, 2007
Spokane, Wa
yeah, I'd say this is a little hasty! I know you feel like it's been since JUNE but in reality it's been two weeks. that is it, period... he agreed to making things right by missing meeting you at Puyallup (which it was a TOTAL nightmare that those two shows got scheduled on the same weekend for MANY industry folk!!)

This is SUUUUCH a busy time of year.... I know that's no excuse for tardiness but 2 weeks isn't that long... most places give you 30 days after service to pay a bill you know?? so I'd say, even though it's been since June to you it REALLY has only been 2 weeks since you made the agreement...

Kinda rough to trash Dan's name this quickly too...

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Pump the brakes, wait on things, Its a crazy time of year for us in the industry, i know i have a backlog of voice mails longer then i want to think about after 3 weeks of shows.

I have done the same thing first time I shipped stuff to Canada, made like $5 off the deal after i actually shipped something. You live and you learn.
Sep 18, 2009
Puyallup, WA
well, hold up. I never said anything bad about dan's name. didnt call him anything bad and never indicated such. If you re- read my last few lines, i was looking for opinions to put against what im seeing on my side of the table.


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Jan 4, 2008
Boise, ID
i sell a LOT of stuff to individual snowmobilers and have yet to be ripped off. I would say as a whole we are a trustworthy group of people. as others have said i think 2 weeks is a little hasty to post this and i would wager that he will make it right with you.


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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
i know its a busy time of year but the guy has had the pipe for months, already didn't go to the show. think he would have put a little more effort into making sure this deal got done. its a lot easier to forget about those you owe than those who owe you. i would have definately of called again before i made this post. three strikes and your out. i would at least change the title of the post...


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Bummer deal on the shipping. Good on you for making the deal happen. I'm sure you will get the 75 and no you shouldn't have to bug anybody about getting money that is owed to you no matter the amount. I'm sure it is a busy time of the year for him but I can log onto my Paypal account on my phone and send money in about two minutes! Just saying....


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 1, 2008
Leave the post the way it is

Here is a guy telling everyone what happened in the transaction of selling the pipe to dan. Dan is a great rider in videos ect but the fact is that he didnt follow up with what he said he would do. You should not have to ask for your money again he knows he owes you. We all get busy in our lives but still take care of things we know we need to. I think midwest went above and beyond whats normal and sucked up his loss. Leave the post and title as is. I hope u get paid soon.
Sep 9, 2013
Bend, Oregon
Always get dough first! Paypal can sort out the buyer if the seller shafts them. Doesn't sound like you got ripped off just sounds like a strange deal to me.
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Active member
Premium Member
Apr 17, 2013
I get stuff shipped to canada all the time.

ONLY SHIP USPS! Cheap and usually pay no extra for duty

Fedex or UPS are total rippoffs


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
Shame on you for not getting an accurate quote to ship to canada!

You kinda fawked yourself on that side.

You both "verbally" agreed to 75$ cash instead of said swag...and that was two weeks ago??

Id say you got stiffed!! Sounds to me like it cost you 75$ to find out that this guy is a douche!

Move on and dont buy any of his ****, i mean who wants to watch 40min of chute climbs anyways:pound:
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