See all that means nothing. and no I don't work a workforce, never have never will. I started learning how to run a business since before I was 18, I've worked for the government and ripped apart navy ships. man ****. and funny thing is college means nothing to me. I'm not going to waste four years of MY life ( other people's may be different ). but the average college graduate... how big of a chance does he have of becoming a CEO of a company while that CEO steps aside and lets u take his spot? not likely at all. who wants to be replaced by someone else? no one. You don't have to have a college education to succeed. if you know business and are a go getter than you will be fine. so your statistics mean ****.
just cause of the people I know, I can save up 20 grand, have someone bid on a government scrap auction, win a bid, turn around and make 6 figures in a couple weeks. save that 6 figures and do it again a few times. save up a half mill, bid on a navy ship, for a 2 year contract and make a few mill in profit. those types of capabilities require no college at all.
my parents own a high end government scrapping company if I get bored I can always go hop on an excavator and throw around scrap metal for a bit of each day. no college.
Know how to swing a hammer? know how to read a tape? go get a job on post prevailing wage. $38 an hr at age 18. right out of highschool. I went to no college.
Social skills, common knowledge, hands on experience, and drive is all you need to succeed.
you want to go learn how to do something? get your hands dirty. get your hands so dirty you could do it on your sleep. then you can go start a business in anything you knew how to do.
hey, what part of what I said was a lie?
Next time you chime in come with better ammo. and make sure the pretty little wagon isn't what's compelling you to give your opinion.
Ha, good thing you said something cuz your definitely part of the workforce(assuming you have a job!). But regardless, just because you go to college doesn't mean you can't learn to and eventually own your own business. And since you wouldn't know because you never went, college is about a lot more than school. College is were life long friends are made, and if you want to or not you engage with tons of people with different social backgrounds.
But its true, you don't HAVE to have a college education to succeed, but statistically people who go to college DO do better. You can't say statistics aren't true just because you don't want them to . But I think what your trying to say is that statistics don't speak for the individual, and your right drive is everything. That said, I think a majority of college students(who actually graduate) have more drive than those who don't go to college because college is an extra step and lazy people would tend to try to cut as many corners as possible.
But to your "jobs" why don't you save up 20g and do that? OR better yet, take out a loan and do it if its such a sure money maker?? It seems stupid of you not to do such a highly profitable thing. And unlike you, not everyone can fall back on mommy and daddy for a job, and others would refuse to do such a thing. I for one wouldn't do that cuz I'm going to make myself, I don't want to work for my parents and get everything handed to me. And really? 38$? How many jobs like that are there and how many 18 year olds fill those positions?
And I sure as hell am not following any bandwagon. I'm working on getting a pharmacy degree, and at some point I would like to own a pharmacy.
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