Easy on Minten there super-mod...remember, he's the idiot we like around here...he's not that
other idiot...
I realize his ridiculous post hits home for you though, so I'll tolerate it this time. Watch out though, I got my eye on you.
awwww how sweeeett...
Minten, Minten, Minten.(big sigh). Obviously your teachers are overpaid.You are testimony to that fact everytime you make a post. I've been a teacher for 13 years now(before that I worked for a general contractor for almost 20 years) I work harder being a teacher than I ever did on a job site and I assure you, I busted my a$$ on job sites. 5 years of college(two majors) and I and every teacher I know deserve every cent of the small salaries we get and more. We dedicated our lives to educating and helping all kids, even the pretentious know -it-all little brats like you that have never worked a real day in their lives. I'm curious why you think we are overpaid? Anyone else with my level of education would make a lot more than I do. One day Minten, you may amount to something. I hope you do but you're a really, really, really long way from it. If you do however, I hope you use your big mouth (and the first rate education you are probably getting) to thank some of the people that helped you get there(probably a whole group of different teachers that put up with you) because you didn't do it on your own.
Now Minten, put down the keyboard and go stand in the corner.
Id like to know what you consider busting your a$$ is on job sites.
Especially since you consider yourself to be this super hardworking teacher, when you have enough time to make 25000 posts with your free time, and write such awesome things to a 15 year old. in this thread he never mentioned the word overpaid, he was more wanting other peoples thoughts.
But i wonder how good it makes you feel as a teacher (dedicating your life to these kids) when you tell little 15 year olds they dont amount to anything. they're nothing, and "being a really really really long way from" anything.
so let me get this straight... your saying that you are a hardworking teacher, who dedicates his life to educating and helping all kids, who writes 10's of thousands of posts, and talks chit to little 15 year olds? Congratulations you are a 13 year long teacher that just contradicted himself at least 2 times in 1 paragraph.
you must be the teacher everybody at the school talks chit about.
you know what? i disagree with you. i dont think you deserve whatever money you get for being a teacher. i dont even you should be a teacher.
you are bad for a kids mind and his self esteem.
Minten i do wonder if your numbers are a little off... i went to Graham Kapowsin Highschool ( ranked number 5 highschool in the nation ), and the teachers there were making 26-60 grand a year.
At 35 years old and looking back on my high school years the one thing I would definitely change and will instill in my children is the amount of importance that is put on going to college. It was absolutely drilled into my skull that college was the ONLY option after high school. I completely disagree with this philosophy. I went to college right after high school, basically to play hockey. I could have done this in the Junior leagues. I floated through the academic portion not really knowing what the hell I wanted to do, wasting time and money. It wasn't until I gained some life experience in the "real world" that I started to get some direction. I see a huge number of college kids now that go through the same thing. I would encourage more vocational programs or military service for future generations. Are there a large number of kids out there that college is right for? Definitely! I just don't think it is for everyone. I see nothing wrong with getting a job right after high school and trying to earn a living in the world. Nothing is better for finding out what you don't want to do...
On the teaching topic. I am marrying a teacher this year, so I am a little biased. I don't think that they are overpaid one bit. When you think about the massive responsibility they have for shaping our future generations, I think some are underpaid. Like anything though, there are exceptions. I have seen numerous teachers who are there just to collect a paycheck and do the bare minimum. Maybe a more thorough evaluation process is needed in some cases. I do know this. Enjoy your high school years! You will make a ton of mistakes, but I like to call those "character builders". Things you do now will have an impact on the rest of your life, so try to make the most of it.
I agree. and its alot harder to get a job out of college now days, so most of the money goes to waste, cause most weak minded students would get discouraged, then most likely not get the job they went to school for. it seems to be more on the rare occasions where a students college experience ended in their favor. i graduated H.S. with a 2.3 GPA, but have made more money than most people i knew my age because of the skills i had attained without any college experience. if i were to do it again, i'd go to school to further educate myself on mechanical engineering and working with CAD programs cause it was really fun.
Education begins at home, not at school. If you don't show up with a work ethic and are ready and willing to learn, there is nothing I can do for you. If that in fact is the case, then your parents have failed you long before you got to me and not the teachers. Teachers are a pretty easy target these days for a society that doesn't want to take responsibility for poor parenting skills(obviously not all) and an over blown sense of entitlement. Teachers are at the very bottom rung of a really tall ladder and are stepped on by parents(it's our fault their kids stay up until 2 in the morning playing video games and then can't stay awake in class). By administrators(once again not all), school board members(most of which have never spent a minute in a classroom), legislators at every level of government, and most sadly of all, students who's parents have sent them the message that they can do what they want and are not responsible for any part of their education other than showing up every once in awhile. Everyone involved directly in the education process is evaluated on their performace because we demand accountability. He's who we don't evaluate: School board members, state legislators, members of congress.(please don't tell me that we evaluate them by the election process every 2,4, or 6 years because thats crap) If I do a poor job, I can be removed. I don't get to stay there another 2,4 or 6 years.Try getting anyone of the one's I just mentioned out of their position, next to impossible. How about parents. I'll bet if we had some system of them being evaluated on parenting skills like they evaluate us on teaching skills, the whole face of education would change and test scores would rocket.
I generally find that the folks who blame teachers for a" failing education system", (and by the wy it's not. We graduate millions of highly educated students every year) to be the most uneducated of all. I will admit that we failed them because if you believe that teachers are overpaid and are the problem in education, then you ARE a moron. Once again- Education begins at home, not in the school.Rant over. Later.
but you are this awesome hardworking teacher who dedicates his life to helping these kids. oh, and did i mention that you are a teacher? and that you dedicate you life to these kids? then teach them the more important lessons in life with your hard workingness.
I can't wait till Doggers responds to this.
you are an instigator for chit talking teachers. so now i know that rockdog has a little kid mentality since he's so influenced by others to put others down. good job on that one.
I think minten's a good kid, i dont see him writin immature ignorant completely out of this world stuff, and at least he engages in conversations, and does his to be intelligent about it... he may be a little off, but people grow up.
you rockdog should favor those kinds of kids.
not put them down with your awesome self...