I think everyone that currently uses the Green Rock parking area wants to see the lot put in that area. Adding 52 miles to the day's ride just to get to hwy 130 from Albany & then go north to the back side is not what anyone parking at Green Rock wants to experience. Riding from Albany, many would need to refuel at snowy mountain lodge to reach the northern points that we can normally ride to from Green Rock and as you well know, they are closed. Moving the lot to Albany would effectively cut off access to the north side of the range for many snowmobilers.
I'm happy to hear you are working on a proposal. I'm open to other ideas, but I think it should be simple so everyone can get behind it. The parking lot (or area) needs to be at or above the current Green Rock parking area location. Any other location (Albany-too far, Barber Lake Road - loses snow fast) would limit access to many of the most scenic & frequented locations on the North side of the range.
If there is some way to modify the "along highway" parking so it is wider, I'm fine with that too. This would sometimes present the problem of getting the snowmobiles up onto the snow along the road to ride up to the actual turn around area where the trail starts, but wider roadside parking may still be better than trying to control drifting snow that could impede vehicle travel on 130 between the Green Rock turn around area & the proposed 10 acre lot above the S-curves.
Basically, I want them to take the Albany site off the table for now. We need parking at Green Rock 1st. If they want to build more parking at Albany later, that's fine with me, but the additional parking needs to be in the Greenrock area 1st so they don't force us to use Albany as an access point.
I hope we can come up with something simple that everyone can put their voice behind. Can it be as simple as, "We support additional vehicle parking for snowmobile enthusiasts at the current Green Rock parking area or in the proposed parking lot above the S-curves if a plan is in place to keep the proposed lot accessible to vehicle traffic. A parking area 26 miles south near Albany does not meet the needs of enthusiasts now using the Green Rock parking area. The Albany location restricts access to many areas North of Green Rock that are currently frequented by patrons of the Medicine Bow National Forest in the winter due to the additional 50+ miles that need to be traveled to enjoy these areas."
Wording is a little poor, but I'm hurrying & now off to work!
What other parking options are there?