How do you know that yamaha is producing cutting edge sled tech.? Is this the same rumor that yamaha is also building 1300 cc sled that weighs 495lb dry?
I like my nytro's but ready for something new and better. You don't see the nytro as much as you did two years ago. Why is that? JMTC

Consider the possibility that Yamaha itself is responsible for the rumors that they are getting out. Think they would do this in attempt to lull the competition into a false sense of security before they drop another bomb on the industry like they did in 1992 with the Vmax 4? I think the more relevant question is when will they quit messing around, and step up to the plate with a full on effort like they have shown with motorcycles, and to some extent ATV's. They have all of the means at their disposal to own the snowmobile industry if they choose to do so. Yamaha is that 300 pound fat guy sitting at the edge of the pool with his toes in the water while everbody else is swimming around hoping he does'nt decide to cannonball off the highdive.
Bombardier group held an emergency meeting after Yamaha scored it's first victory in snocross with the Nytro, and made the corporate decision to rush the Ski-doo XP into production ahead of schedule as a preimptive countermeasure to what they thought was the fat guy jumping into the pool at the time. Unfortunately they were wrong, and here we are 4 years later wondering if and when will Yamaha pull the trigger. I can't say with 100% certainty that we will get a radical new sled from them in the next couple of years, but I do know that they are making efforts to turn things around. That starts with a serious race program and the product development and testing that go into it. They are providing us with race sleds with new technology in place that will close the existing gap between current 4strokes, and the 2stroke competition. Positive race results lead to positive marketing, and that shift in momentum can and will be reflected in consumer offerings in the future.
any tweets from little birdies? Define near future... lol
Near future on the Yamaha clock could be 3 years from now LOL! I think the new Cat thumpers could force Yamaha's hand somewhat, and result in added pressure for them to maintain their position as THE 4stroke manufacturer. Not only do I think they will be forced to release something directly competitive to the Cat turbo from an ISR standpoint, but I predict both Ski-doo and Polaris will have turbo 4bangers in the performance market within 2 years as well.