The cup shaped washer(protector), what it is called on the microfiche, and spacer or spacers, that goes on to the shaft before you put the whole secondary assembly on; does the inside of the cup go towards the bearing or does it face the clutch assembly??? I put it on facing the bearing, as it looks like it should cover the bearing as somebdy else has said to cover the bearing from dust,etc:: But when I run it, it sort of rubs as it rotates.. My friends out here with the same sleds have told me one sled is one way and one is the other.. When I took it off, it was facing the clutch, but that doesn't necesarily make it right, as there were 2 washers between the halves and it shows only 1 in the book. Can't get a clear picture of which way it faces.. Any input would be helpful before I take it out.. Thanks