RK Tek 858 Polaris CFI Big Bore and Drop In Kit Installation
1. Clean ALL new and old parts thoroughly to assure no foreign debris is present. After cleaning with solvent/and or Soapy Water. Coat the cylinder walls with 2 stroke oil and then wipe out the oil with a clean rag. This oil will pull even more debris from the plating, repeat until clean rag remains clean..leave the excess oil on the cylinder walls.
2. Set piston ring end gap between .018” and .020”. If larger, leave it alone.
To set end gap:
a) Place 1 ring in cylinder. Level ring in cylinder by using the piston as a leveling device.
b) Measure gap with a feeler gauge.
c) Using a wet-stone or something similar, gently grind on one end of the ring until gap is obtained
d) Repeat process for each ring.
e) MAKE SURE you know which rings are gapped for which cylinders!
3. Install rings on piston. Writing on the ring is up
4. Install pistons, and top end bearing onto connecting rods. The ring ends ALWAYS are directed to the INTAKE Side of the cylinder.
5. Install wrist pin and cir-clips onto piston. MAKE SURE cir-clips are fully seated in groove!
6. Install, RKT (if supplied) base gasket. To assure a flat seal. MAKE SURE case and cylinder base is free of ANY grease or foreign debris. USING NO SEALER!! Install cylinders. Hand-tighten all bolts. Make sure the gasket has not been displaced during cylinder installation.
7. Install Exhaust Valve assemblies with gaskets onto each cylinder. Connect all hoses to Valve housing and make sure the hoses are secure. Make sure guillotines screw in STRAIGHT.
8. Torque cylinder bolts to 33 ft/lbs and then final torque bolts to 42ft/lbs.
9. Install Head. Torque @ 22ft/lbs
a. PREMIX a 150:1 oil ratio in 1st tank of fuel. RKT recommends to always pre-mix at 150:1 in addition to your oil injection system. NEVER run ANY synthetic oil in this engine.
10. Start engine, check for base gasket leakage. Check for air pockets in the coolant system.
11. Run engine at varying throttle positions for the 1st 20 miles checking piston wash and plug color (and adjusting fuel accordingly), then ride it like as normal. NOTE: This engine is designed to run at a true 8300-8500 RPM. NOTE: These engines take about 100 miles for the rings to fully seat.
12. Clutching: RKT recommends TEAM Rooster Weights. Loading of the arms will be determinant on elevation. ALWAYS Load the HEEL to the MAX weight. Load Center and Tip to achieve proper shift. Keep in mind, this engine is running at a higher rpm than stock. RKT also MUCH prefers the Team Tied clutch with our custom Helix over the stock TSS04 clutch. The TSS04 clutch will also work, but, test has proven that it will not perform as well as the Tied clutch.
13. FUEL: Drop In Kit: No fuel changes required with OEM exhaust on 2011-12 engines. 2013/14 engine requires a fuel control box. For 2013/14 Add 6% fuel in the 6000-7500 RPM Band. Add fuel if needed in the 7500-8500 RPM band.. Usually 3-4%. 858 Kit→ see website for fueling.