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QUESTION: Would you be WILLING to lose 10% of your body weight ??


Well-known member
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Jul 3, 2001
$50 Buyin

I agree. It requires a $50. buyin to participate. Not that it is not worth the $50, but you have continually said it was free and when you go to sign up you want $50.

Now I can understand the buy in and it is a sweet idea on it, but why not be upfront about that from the beginning.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I would be willing to do the Beta testing but I am confused by the statement nothing to buy but when you click the link says $50.00 buy in.

The $50 is a PRIZE POOL
We have run 3 of these 90 day challenges so far.
The problem we found is that when the people who sign up have NO SKIN in the game, its TOO EASY for them to bail out and just walk away.

More than anything else we need HOT BODIES that go through the entire process from start to finish to we can build up the database of what works and what doesn't.

So we created the prize pool as a simple way to let you have some skin in the game, without actually having to pay for the program.

You put in your $50, along with everyone else.
If you make your goal weight, then we return the money to you.
if you fail to make weight, you forfeit the money and it is shared with all the other winners equally.


You COMMIT to losing 10% of your weight.
You follow through on the program, lose the weight, and we return the money!

But lets say we have 10 people who join, that puts $500 in the prize pool.
3 quit just because they are quitters and bail.
2 fail to make the final weight for whatever reason.
That leave 5 who COMPLETE the challenge.

Those 5 then split the prize pool, and in this example each get a check for $100, instead of the $50 they contributed.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I agree. It requires a $50. buyin to participate. Not that it is not worth the $50, but you have continually said it was free and when you go to sign up you want $50.

Now I can understand the buy in and it is a sweet idea on it, but why not be upfront about that from the beginning.

Was there anything on the home page that wasn't 100% upfront about it?
Its the VERY FIRST THING we say at the top of the page.?

2017 'New Year, New You' 90-Day Challenge

Begins in 16 days.

Jan 5th - Apr 5th

$50.00 Buy In

Lose 10% of your body weight to begin a new you!
(Challenge lasts for 90 days)


We let people come into the challenge several times in 2016 without any financial commitment and quickly found that too many of them just QUIT and BAILED out on us. We had to come up with "Something" to make their personal commitment to see it through from the start to the finish more meaningful.

If you follow the program, you WILL LOSE the 10% !
No ads, No ifs, No Buts.
The program absolutely works to the degree that you are willing to follow it.

We have about 350 people through the beta now, and thats enough for us to begin to see some really clear trends.

If you follow the Macros we create with a 90% accuracy, then you will lose 90% of the 10% goal.

Follow it at an 80% level, and you will get about 80% of the 10% goal..


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 4, 2013
I joined. I feel having the coaches to kick your butt if you start to lose interest will be one of the big advantages for me.


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I joined. I feel having the coaches to kick your butt if you start to lose interest will be one of the big advantages for me.
Welcome to the group.
You will get daily SMS Text messages and a Meme every day to let you know we are WATCHING YOUR PROGRESS.

Rachel can be RUTHLESS when you slack off a bit, but she will also congratulate you every time you log your progress that shows you are sticking to it and staying on track!


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
I'm 5' 11" 183#.
I am at an ideal weight for my height, i don't want to lose 10% of my weight, 164# is to thin for my height. Took me over 30yrs to break the 165# mark. So with that, i will never meet the minimum goal and would not be beneficial for me to join.
Although, I would like more muscle and i have a good idea how to attain that.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Oh, I can handle it. Thanks though.

My junior year in HS, I cut down from 125 to 105 in 10 weeks (and I was 5'7"). That sucked really bad.

In 2001, when I was in my late 20s, I cut down from 142 to 127 just to show my wrestlers how to do it.

A couple years ago (fall of 2013, I think), I lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. That wasn't intentional though. I was just too busy to eat.

I'm pretty sure I know how to cut weight.
It's a matter of getting off my butt, managing portions and increasing metabolism through high intensity workouts.

Burn far more calories than I take in.
You make lousy Sumo wrestler Grasshopper.
I was 295 pounds this summer and I'm now down to 245 . Didn't need any weight loss pills or fancy programs or whatever it is people use ...just eat better and hit the gym 5 times a week and you'll lose weight . Congrats to the progress you guys have made its hard work ....i definitely notice a difference riding already . Not sure what your program is all about but good luck with it .
Jul 20, 2016
This is a joke right? Snowmobile forum emailing this to me like I'm a middle aged overweight housewife who will buy into anything they see on TV (No offense middle aged overweight housewives). If the majority of online knowledge for AXYS RMKs weren't on this site I'd have already deleted my account. Off to adjust my spam filters...

Also email makes no mention of the $50. Feel good about that?
Last edited:


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2013
please don't start this guys... A lot of this stuff will destroy your body yes you lose weight but at what cost!? go to the gym!!!!!! stop making excuses and go! if you need a good work out plan PM me ill work on one for free! for ya! do it right.. do your research.. sorry if I offended anyone just want ya to live longer and I do care about you,


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I'm 5' 11" 183#.
I am at an ideal weight for my height, i don't want to lose 10% of my weight, 164# is to thin for my height. Took me over 30yrs to break the 165# mark. So with that, i will never meet the minimum goal and would not be beneficial for me to join.
Although, I would like more muscle and i have a good idea how to attain that.


Clearly the 10% challenge is NOT for you.
But, there are a couple of other programs that are available in Weightix that are not really being advertised outside of the part participants. One of them is Athletic Model designed to take guys that are already FIT and help them develop a greater muscle mass. That program MIGHT be of interest to you?


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I was 295 pounds this summer and I'm now down to 245 . Didn't need any weight loss pills or fancy programs or whatever it is people use ...just eat better and hit the gym 5 times a week and you'll lose weight . Congrats to the progress you guys have made its hard work ....i definitely notice a difference riding already . Not sure what your program is all about but good luck with it .


There are no silver bullets to weight loss or getting in shape.

What we are offering is a structured path, that is custom tailored to each individual and a really solid SUPPORT network to help you stay on track.



Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
please don't start this guys... A lot of this stuff will destroy your body yes you lose weight but at what cost!? go to the gym!!!!!! stop making excuses and go! if you need a good work out plan PM me ill work on one for free! for ya! do it right.. do your research.. sorry if I offended anyone just want ya to live longer and I do care about you,

Before you attack this program.
Do yourself a favor and go take a look at what we are actually offering people would ya?

I think you will quickly find that it is a ROCK SOLID long term fully sustainable program to get people back into shape and keep them there for the duration.

No Pills, No Supplements, none of the crazy fad crap.
Just a solid reasonable diet plan that is hand tailored for each person to help them get where they want to be, and then to STAY THERE without putting all the weight back on again.


<section id="different"> Why is this different?

Heres why the approach I take to weight loss, fitness, health, and strength is different from literally every other diet on the planet. And, furthermore, why I already know this approach will work for you

1) Its not about losing weight. Its about losing FAT.
Most "diets" put your body in a state where it burns muscle and literally slows your metabolism down. My approach will preserve your muscle and increase your metabolism over the long-run!

2) Its not a diet. Its a nutrition program.
Diets dont work and ultimately do more damage than good. (Theyll completely destroy your metabolism). Theyll also make you softer and weaker. Yes, youll weigh less. Yes, you might fit into a smaller size, but you will still look flabby and weak.

3) This is a permanent change.
If you want to be fit and healthy, you need to start by behaving the way fit and healthy people behave. There are NO SHORTCUTS! I will teach you how you can do it in a way that's sustainable for the long-term, rathern than simply grinning and bearing it.

4) This is based on science, and personal experience. Not one or the other.
I would never advise anyone to do anything that cant be explained by science. Not just scientific theory but real, actual, documented, well-funded scientific studies with large sample sizes. Furthermore, dont discount the results others have had with their own experience. If theyve had success, try to find the scientific principle behind the success.

5) This approach is ridiculously simple. But that doesnt mean its easy.
The science and the chemistry behind burning fat (while keeping your muscle in-tact) is not complicated. However, executing the plan in a world of distractions, temptations, and and in an environment where everyone's got an opinion about how it should be done is NOT easy. You'll have a complete coaching stuff behind you to help you through it, keep you motivated, and give you tips.

6) This is about REAL FOOD, and REAL training. Not magic pills.
Wouldnt it be nice if the only thing you needed to do in order to burn fat was pop a pill, or take a supplement, or drink a shake? There are plenty of people selling such products that want you to believe that, but its all garbage. If someone is trying to sell you a product with the promise that it will help you lose weight, RUN!

8) This is custom-tailored to YOU, but we teach you how it's done.
Your starting point, your needs, your body, and your preferences are different from every other person on the planet. This is not a pre-cut, pre-fab diet where they tell you EXACTLY what to eat every day, at what time, and EXACTLY when to go to the gym, and EXACTLY when to breath in and out.

You are an adult, and the only way youre going to be successful in the long term is to learn to plan your own meals, learn to build workouts into your own schedule, and learn how to manage your fitness and your health ON YOUR OWN -- and our coaching staff is going to teach you everything you need to know!



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
In this day and age what the hell is fifty bucks? Two cases of beer? I am interested but I could not start until January 9th. I'll be riding in Island Park the week before that and I would not want to be dealing with it at that time. Plus I want to go to Wild West Pizza, Buffalo Bar for wings, and a burger at The Slippery Otter Saloon that week. :face-icon-small-dis


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
In this day and age what the hell is fifty bucks? Two cases of beer? I am interested but I could not start until January 9th. I'll be riding in Island Park the week before that and I would not want to be dealing with it at that time. Plus I want to go to Wild West Pizza, Buffalo Bar for wings, and a burger at The Slippery Otter Saloon that week. :face-icon-small-dis

The funny thing is, if you complete the program YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK and probably 2-3x what you paid in...

All we are doing is BEGGING PEOPLE to stay with it for the full 90 days so we can get the data we need as we continue coding our Artificial Intelligence that runs the system and the tracking.

As for your joining...
You are more than welcome to sign up and start the actual process on the 9th.

BUT, for the challenge, we need an official weigh in on the first day of the challenge. Thats the day that we agree on what your 10% loss will look like 90 days later.
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