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QUESTION: Would you be WILLING to lose 10% of your body weight ??


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Nov 16, 2005

I've read a lot of this, seems good on the cover but I have to ask this question. If they don't charge anything, if there is not money to pay. How does this company afford to operate? I mean if they have no incoming money, the website the time, everything costs money. How do they do it?


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

I've read a lot of this, seems good on the cover but I have to ask this question. If they don't charge anything, if there is not money to pay. How does this company afford to operate? I mean if they have no incoming money, the website the time, everything costs money. How do they do it?
Fair enough.
Right now Brian and I are self funding the entire project as a classic start-up. But no amount of our own money can get us the hot bodies we need to test and validate the program. Thats why I reached out to a small number of SnoWest Members who I thought MIGHT be in a position to take advantage of what we are offering.

But, The goal IS to make this a commercial enterprise in 2018.

But for 2016 and 2017 it is a purely BETA TESTING company.
Our goal now is simply to validate that everything we are building actually works AND can be scaled up to a much larger group of people.

The program has been progressing like this.

25 people round 1
50 people round 2
110 people round 3
250 people Round 4 [January 2017] 153 signed up as of today
500 people round 5 May 2017
1,000 people round 6 Sept 2017.

That should be our final round of Beta Testing unless more time is needed for all the custom software Apps that we are writing.

Our biggest concern at this point is scalability of the program. Each time we have run one of the 90 day challenges we have had FAR more people request admission than we are capable of handling, so each round pushes us to further develop the Artificial intelligence and user Apps that will be needed to make this program work on a large scale basis.


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Dec 3, 2007
Corvallis MT

I would love to lose some weight. Being 44 it does not leave as easy as it used to. But my problem is i go to work at 5 AM work until 3 PM go pick up the 2 kids take them home do homework cook dinner clean up then the wife gets home ( we work different schedules to make this work with the kids) By the end of the day we have maybe an hour together i will not give up my 1 hour to go work out. On a side note i am not offended by the PM or this thread. Dont like it dont read it. Sorry for the long rant


Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I would love to lose some weight. Being 44 it does not leave as easy as it used to. But my problem is i go to work at 5 AM work until 3 PM go pick up the 2 kids take them home do homework cook dinner clean up then the wife gets home ( we work different schedules to make this work with the kids) By the end of the day we have maybe an hour together i will not give up my 1 hour to go work out. On a side note i am not offended by the PM or this thread. Dont like it dont read it. Sorry for the long rant
Well then, you just happen to be in Luck.
While I am a strong advocate of getting all the exercise you can, even if that is just 15 or 30 minutes a day, this diet CAN be structured for someone who is NOT able to get in any significant physical exercise at all.

At 44 its still a WHOLE LOT EASIER than it will be when your 54 or even 64, so count your blessings, its easier to get in shape now then it will be in 10 or 20 years!

When you go to sign up for Weightix its going to walk you through an induction survey where we ask you a bunch of questions to help us build your weight-loss profile. Some of those questions will deal directly with your level of daily physical activity and your ability to do additional exercise. So long as you a BRUTALLY HONEST with your situation, we will generate a workable plan that will get you from here to there without starving you to death in the process!:face-icon-small-hap If at any time your situation changes, you can go right back into your profile and UPDATE it and the system will generate a new Diet Plan for you right on the spot.

One of the goals with Weightix is to develop the Artificial intelligence that monitors both your daily activity and your daily food consumption and then dynamically adjusts your diet plan in real time to reflect your real world data...

Go Sign Up!!


New member
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Nov 12, 2016
Washington, West side
I am in serious need of getting back into decent shape. Like you, I am a desk jockey and like to be active on the weekends when I am not at work. Being fairly overweight is slowing me down from what I use to do and would like to be able to get back into that activities that are hard for me now. So please let me know how to get into this. I am not interested in the prizes or the challenge with others, but would rather do this with myself and my wife, if possible.


Well-known member
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Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Is the beta test full now or is it possible to get an invite? Kinda like the idea behind this program. And im already using myfitnesspal. Just need a push in the right direction!
The current competition is full.
But we will start the next round in April.!
And you would be most welcome to join in.


Well-known member
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
I am in serious need of getting back into decent shape. Like you, I am a desk jockey and like to be active on the weekends when I am not at work. Being fairly overweight is slowing me down from what I use to do and would like to be able to get back into that activities that are hard for me now. So please let me know how to get into this. I am not interested in the prizes or the challenge with others, but would rather do this with myself and my wife, if possible.

No problem.
The basic program is available to everyone anytime.
Send me a PM with your E-Mail address in it and I will get you access to the Plan Generator.
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