We have pretty good economy in Norway, but it's taking a dump right now.
Sled prices is over twice what you pay for them, and fuel prices has ROCKETED to almost $3 USD pr liter (i think it's about the same as $12,8 a gallon), but it still won't stop me from riding. New sled every year, and adding a turbo, even if it means cutting down on alot of stuff. I'm in a job change, where I'll make approx $20000 less a year, but it still won't take ANY sledding away...
Just get used to rising prices, and in a few years you wont even think about it...In my mind, the worst we can do is use our gasoline eating vehicles less? If the greenies see that rising prices makes us use it less, it would mean that tha'ts an argument to rise prices even more...? Less enviromental 'destroyment' due to rising prices says rise it more and the enviroment will be saved?
Sledding is WAY too much of my lifestyle to stop me from doing it, as long as it doesn't affect my family if I continue....