Just rode 2 days in Revelstoke with the update. Sled started up like it always has until I pulled it out of the trailer on the hill. Put half a cup of oil in the tank and let it idle for 15 minutes. Shut it off and got geared up. Went to pull the rope to head up riding and would not start. Fiddled with the kill switch and tether cord, pulled plugs and they were dripping wet. Got the blow tourch out and tried burning up the remaining fuel, but was consistently flowing. Pulled pipe off and had alot of fuel in it. Tapped on the top two injectors (possibly stuck open) with no resolve. Ended up having to disconnect the fuel filter, pulled the rope and sled would fire up and run for 30 seconds until the remaining fuel was burnt off. Then reconnect everything, pulled the rope and she fired up and ran strong until I shut it off. Then it would flood itself out again, and had to go throught this little procedure 5 times during the first day.
Day 2 - Filled sled up and run a bottle of injector cleaner in the tank. Sled fired up on it's own everytime during the day, but some starts took 8 pulls to get runnning. We had a buddies 08' Dragon (updated aswell) in the trailer for a spare sled for the weekend and has the same issues !
Anyone else having this problem ?