Ron, (or others)
Couple questions.
1. Post from 10-5-08, 2nd photo shows the installation of a clutch weight shim installed. My interpretation is that the shim is not on the thrust side, unless there is a shim on both sides of the weight which I can't see very well. My assumption is, that the shim should be installed on the leading edge of the primary that pushes on the weight.
You are correct, the pointer is not on the thrust side of the weight. Some clutches need a shim on the non-thrust side so that the weight lines up on the center of the roller. Then it's a good idea to add the shim to both sides. High mile clutches usually need the shim on both sides.
2. Also from the 10-5-08 post, photo #1, is the stack of weights, with their actual weights written on the side. Are the weights supposed to be weighed as a gross weight, or on a pivot to represent the "slung" weight. This would take out the unslung weight associated with the cylinder of metal around the pivot bushing.
The norm is to weigh each weight as a gross & since the shape and material is the same the slung weight should be approximately the same. The ideal would be to weigh them on a pivot so that the force exerted by each weight is the same. Polaris spec's + or - 1 gram so if you were unlucky enough to have them that far out then balancing on a pivot would really make sense. Another alternative is to sort through some weights and get 3 about the same. I had a set of EPI Belly Busters that were way off last year and made a jig to balance as you describe. This might be easy for a machinist but isn't going to be easy for most of us.
3. As the difference in clutch cover bolt weights, why wouldn't you simply grind the bolts until they matched (making them slightly shorter)? Or are you happier balancing similarly weighted bolts 180° from each other on the cover?
I ground a little off the head to get each bolt the same weight. That's probably splitting hairs since they are all so close. This should be done before the clutch is balanced or else I would mark them to reinstall in the same position and not balance them.
4. Please include me to the word version of this.