I LOVE this thread! lol probably one of the best in a while! lol
It's very interesting...
I'll add another one...
Partying at the bros, just your normal bday party, had the jungle juice, beer, shots, the works... Nothing out of the norm...
Now you see I'm a light weight... and my idea of knowing when to stop is when I'm throwing up.... and I have no idea as to what moderation is... hence I rarely last through midnight without passing out or yacking all over..
This night was no different except for the fact, that I, in my all mighty wisdom, decide to drink jungle juice, shots, and beer. Instead of sticking with one poison I drink them all... bad news bears..
Next thing I know, I'm out in the front yard (go figure), throwing up (I some how always migrate throughout the yard while I'm throwing up, I'll throw up, then roll over a couple of feet, and so on and so forth until I passout).. and eventually passout
I wake up to a bucket of water on my head and the noise of giggly girls running off... some cursing follows, and I passout shortly thereafter.
Now this is where I go into... what I have been told happened mode, a girl, Makenna, who at the time I had a thing for, was being kind enough to lead me inside.. and ofcourse my alter-ego "Hank" was alive and well at the moment and unfortunatly for me called her a "stupid c***"... this led to me being thrown onto the floor where my drunk passed out buddy had made himself a little bed... I land on him and ofcourse he yells "stupid c***"... I wake up looking at my friend asking "who the hell made this little bed, its nice... and how the hell did I end up here, I was outside..."
I try to find my keys/wallet/phone, and of course, they are missing, as always... least of my worries right now, I'm hungover not feeling well and not in my own bed... I go upstairs to face the girl that I previously called the no-no word... first thing she says "If you ever call me a c*** again, I'm going to break your jaw..." in an extremely confused look I half heartedly nod in agreement, apologize and begin to ask where my property is... I scour the house, finally making my way outside and wowzers I find all of it, cell phone is ruined do to the dew getting it wet, keys are half way across the yard next to a pile of throw up, and my wallet and its contents are strewn about the yard like a dog had gotten to it....
Gather my belongings, do the walk of shame back to my pickup and go to my favorite hangover breakfest cafe, Elmer's....
Currently Makenna and I are no longer on speaking terms... my alter-ego is a bastard.