We rode from Kroto Parking Lot, through the woods, popped out near Cat Ballous, continued to the woods near the Reflector Tree, up to Bunco Lake, on to the Tokostina river and up to "The Playground", returning through the woods out to Kenny Creek, and back to Kroto. There was enough snow even if you didn't boondock through the woods, lots of open creeks, and holes are opening back up, though.
We don't ask for much though, I will ride on slush just to keep the dollars spent per miles ridden ratio near even.
On Thrusday we rode from mile 1.8 Petersville Road (Northland Inn, awesome place, awesome people, great rates, homemade beer) to Scotty Lake, up and around Scotty Lake (overflow) and up to the East West Expressway. At this intersection we continued North, marked by little pink and blue Flagging, and rode virtually untouched swamps all the way North to just between Denali and Swan Lakes, form here we continued North until the 126-128 trail system, rode it to the Tokostina, and then hauled a$$ all the way back to the Reflector Tree and continued to the East West Expressway, through that intersection and out to the 121 trail, on to Scotty Lake, and back to the lodge.
We would not normally go this way, but as we figured it was virtually untouched, by sledders or wind, in most areas, and were right.
For those that are interested it looks like the East West was groomed a few days ago, and most of Bunco was groomed yesterday as well, I would imagine they will continue to groom though the weekend.
Watch out though, there is not alot of snow coverage, and the groomer pulled up some nasty roots. Hopefully the Curry Ridge Riders will attend to these, and remember, support the Grooming, Marking, and Maintenance efforts by donating to the cans at the Lodges and restaurants.
Happy riding and Happy Holidays.