0 06 RMK 900 Well-known member Feb 28, 2010 #2 Your parting it out just because you are getting that code???
guidoxpress Well-known member Lifetime Membership Feb 28, 2010 #3 #10 code is CPC (crank position sensor) could be a big job...but its either...the Stator, ECU, bad wiring.. what are you trying to get out of it? why is it not worth fixing to you. if i had the money, i would get a buddy sled..but i wont for a LOOOONNNGG time, lol
#10 code is CPC (crank position sensor) could be a big job...but its either...the Stator, ECU, bad wiring.. what are you trying to get out of it? why is it not worth fixing to you. if i had the money, i would get a buddy sled..but i wont for a LOOOONNNGG time, lol
G garlic bear Free Member Mar 1, 2010 #4 its a second sled and dont have the money to fix motor was rebuildt last year