Jeffy Mac
Active member
Test away.No I have not tested it at the 8100 RPM yet but have at the 8500 RPM I was tring to get a honest opion from someone who had tested with the 80 gram weights but all I am getting is snide remarks. I will be testing with the 80 gram weights and will let you know what I discover. For your information I am a retired Auto mechanic and have done all my own maintenance on my sleds for all my 53 years of riding. Because of my knowledge of engines I am sure it is the reason I have only had one engine warranty problem in those years. That is around 25 sleds that have not let me down. I average about 1500 miles of riding a year and yes probably a little over half those miles are trail miles.
As for your loaded question it is loaded more at the lower RPM but the load is not the problem. The problem is at the higher RPM everything in the motor is being stress more from the speed of the parts. The parts can handle the power much easier then the speed of the pistons going up and down. The 400 RPM difference you refer to means that the piston has to make 400 more trips up and down the cylinder each minute. That adds up to much more stress.