I hate long posts....but please read this Shakespearean oration!
I have read through all of this stuff, and tried to sit back and ask myself, "why do I come to snowest.com forums?" #1 reason I come here is to hang and catch up with my friends, from all over North America. #2 reason is there has been good information here, so I can learn. However, lately I find myself mainly hanging in the Utah section. I have found too much BS in other areas lately. Someone asks a simple question and gets blasted by a bunch of people saying his/her question or idea is stupid, my sled is better...blah! blah! blah! Razzing friends is fun, and I take advantage of it whenever I can!
But, there is too much disrespect going on in sections where ligitimate answers can be helpful. Snowest has not run off some of the good, knowledgeable peeps, it is dumb azzes who think it is just fun and games to mess up almost every good, informational thread! Maybe they are young and immature, or they just view the internet as fake people and a game....who knows???
All this said, I will gladly pay if it runs off some of the people doing this crap! Most of the best friends I have now came from people I've met through Snowest! People keep bringing back the old days....I agree, they were a blast! Back then, at the end of the day we generally had each other's backs! It doesn't feel that way around here anymore! If some dipchit came on here and started talking smack or ripping on someone (one of our friends), it wasn't tolerated by the majority of "us, the users!" Maybe it became too big? I don't necessarily like or need all the new stuff, but I can turn it off. I will pay and stay, as the fee is insignificant, and I will hope for improvement. If I don't like the changes I will leave! We can blame Snowest and Christopher all we want....be that as it may....some self reflection by the users may also be in order!
Going somewhere else is always an option, and I've even tried it. However, it never seems to work, with multiple other sites out there, some already gone. Most of these sites seems to end up being about 10 dudes talking to each other. Like it or not, this place has become a habit and meeting place for all of us! Going other places just splits us all up.....IMHO!