I like your idea, but I think there is a problem. Yeah we can drill new wells build more refineries, but were still going to deminish our oil supplies. Oil doesnt replace itself. You keep pulling from a bucket that never gets refilled, you eventually run out. Yeah there may be enough oil to last another 200 years, but its eventually going to be all gone. Sometimes I wonder what makes people think we have an infinite supply of oil.
Even with new refineries and new drilling sites, the price is not going to come down. Never again will we see $1.00 a gallon gas or even $2.00 a gallon. Plan on gas only going up in price.
Here another thought also. Why should they lower the gas prices. We all have proven that no matter what the price of gas is we will still buy it. If its goes up to $5 a gallon people will still pay. Gas is like crack.
Finally just to throw this out there. Earth has a way of repairing itself. It will eventually create more oil. Problem occurs in that when the earth created the oil it wasnt really the most liveable place not to mention it took 250,000 years or better. Dont think humans are gonna be around to see that happen, so we might want to come up with an alternative before we run out, and before it reaches $10 a gallon.
Im all for gas/oil I use it everyday, but then again I dont have a choice. Maybe they need make some choices. Oh wait we do. We get to coose from 87,89,92 octane.