1. All the other judges have been scared or liberal as far as I know. Here's an example of a liberal one.
"A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, because the issue already has been "blogged, texted, twittered and otherwise massaged." [Yeah, that's a good reason to dismiss a suit] Meanwhile, more and more members of Congress are being shown to have dismissed concerns by constituents about Obama's eligibility."
[An example of this is Jon Kyl R-AZ said it'd been verified by Snopes - this is also an example of why I'm ready to leave my party]
2. This is hopeful. This is the judge I just sent a letter to.
"A judge hearing one of the cases challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president has taken the unusual step of describing the dispute as a serious constitutional issue and further has begun adding letters of comment from the public to the court record. Word of the action by U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Schneider in Camden, N.J., comes from attorney Mario Apuzzo, who is handling the Kerchner vs. Obama case."
3. Then there's this article listing all the news and ad agencies that refuse to discuss or advertise the "Where's the Birth Certificate" campaign or print the reward offered for anyone who was at BO's birth.
"Despite offering the full rate of $7,168.50 plus taxes for a full-page, color ad on page 2 of the news section of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin next Monday, the copy was rejected – the latest turndown by a growing list of media companies that won't touch the birth certificate issue even for money.
"I spoke to my publisher and unfortunately we cannot accept the ad because it is political," explained Cyd Kamakea, classified advertising manager."
[that excuse is becoming a mantra with the MSM]
"As a former newspaper top executive myself, it is simply astonishing to me how cowardly and closed-minded my former industry has become," said Farah. "Not only will none of these so-called news organizations cover a matter of the utmost public interest, but they will not even allow someone to advertise for help in an independent investigation. The once-great watchdog American press has indeed become the pathetic lapdog American press – subservient to the whims and wishes of those in power."
4. The attorney for the Kerchner case said he's not worried, that he expected the Motion to Dismiss and it will just make the case get up to the Supreme Court faster (if the judge doesn't deny it). He also said he'll have a very strong response. So that makes me feel better, like he's prepared.
Justice Scalia at SCOTUS and maybe Roberts believe it's worth looking into, but Scalia said there has to be I think four justices who agree. So maybe when they read Mario's case, they'll get the four they need finally.
1. All the other judges have been scared or liberal as far as I know. Here's an example of a liberal one.
"A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit questioning Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, because the issue already has been "blogged, texted, twittered and otherwise massaged." [Yeah, that's a good reason to dismiss a suit] Meanwhile, more and more members of Congress are being shown to have dismissed concerns by constituents about Obama's eligibility."
[An example of this is Jon Kyl R-AZ said it'd been verified by Snopes - this is also an example of why I'm ready to leave my party]
2. This is hopeful. This is the judge I just sent a letter to.
"A judge hearing one of the cases challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president has taken the unusual step of describing the dispute as a serious constitutional issue and further has begun adding letters of comment from the public to the court record. Word of the action by U.S. Magistrate Judge Joel Schneider in Camden, N.J., comes from attorney Mario Apuzzo, who is handling the Kerchner vs. Obama case."
3. Then there's this article listing all the news and ad agencies that refuse to discuss or advertise the "Where's the Birth Certificate" campaign or print the reward offered for anyone who was at BO's birth.
"Despite offering the full rate of $7,168.50 plus taxes for a full-page, color ad on page 2 of the news section of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin next Monday, the copy was rejected – the latest turndown by a growing list of media companies that won't touch the birth certificate issue even for money.
"I spoke to my publisher and unfortunately we cannot accept the ad because it is political," explained Cyd Kamakea, classified advertising manager."
[that excuse is becoming a mantra with the MSM]
"As a former newspaper top executive myself, it is simply astonishing to me how cowardly and closed-minded my former industry has become," said Farah. "Not only will none of these so-called news organizations cover a matter of the utmost public interest, but they will not even allow someone to advertise for help in an independent investigation. The once-great watchdog American press has indeed become the pathetic lapdog American press – subservient to the whims and wishes of those in power."
4. The attorney for the Kerchner case said he's not worried, that he expected the Motion to Dismiss and it will just make the case get up to the Supreme Court faster (if the judge doesn't deny it). He also said he'll have a very strong response. So that makes me feel better, like he's prepared.
Justice Scalia at SCOTUS and maybe Roberts believe it's worth looking into, but Scalia said there has to be I think four justices who agree. So maybe when they read Mario's case, they'll get the four they need finally.
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