Bottom line is: he was born on u.s. soil to a u.s. mother. Moved away, but the u.s. constitution provides a provision for minors that their citizenship doesn't go away because mom and dad move. He moved back to the u.s. at 10 years old...still a minor....and stayed here.
Kenya's constitution states that they don't allow dual citizenship. So he's not a citizen of that country by marriage, death, birth or conspiracy. So even by default, whether we like it or not, he's a citizen of the u.s.
Funny thing about our founding fathers, they also provided a provision in the 14th amendment, by a 2/3 vote of the house and senate, a person can re-establish his citizenship to the u.s.of a after swearing allegience to another country or helping the enemy or a number of other things. Basically a pardon.
Prove it.
you keep talking about how all we have is hearsay, well, that is all you have.
We want answers. Nothing more, nothing less.
A claim isn't frivilous until it is proven to be so. Just as a fact isn't a fact till it is proven to be a fact.
This whole thing will just go away if he would be forthright and upfront and RELEASE THE INFORMATION.
His total refusal to release the information is fueling the controversy and growing it.
The dems rabidly back him no matter what he does.
They demand transparency from the white house right up to when it is a dem in the whitehouse, then secrecy and behind closed door deals are perfectly fine.
We can put criminals in charge of the economy, we can appoint czars to run the country in direct conflict with the duties of the congress and senate (bo's own personal political wing).
The dems raised holy heck about the deficit right up till they got total control of it, now they run it up faster than ALL previous administrations COMBINED.
But liberals can't figure out why we are asking questions and demanding answers.
During Bush's reign (yea, I didn't really like him much either), if they had a town hall meeting and someone questioned the actions of Bush, it was patriotic, if they hold a town hall meeting now and someone questions bo, they are right wing extremist that are paid by one lobby group or another.
People are tired of the double standards, they are tired of politicians who don't listen to them, they are tired of politicians who say one thing and do another.
Bottom line, people voted for change and all they got was the same chit in a different bucket.
There is a reason bo's popularity is dropping faster than any pres in the last 30 years.
I have asked every obama supporter the same question.
Maybe you will step up to the plate. No one else has.
If bo is so above board and such a great person.
Why has he refused to release the information?
He demanded McCain and Clinton release all their info, why won't he?
What is he hiding??
If he was born in Hawaii (and to be honest, he prob. was), why not just release the long form birth cert to prove it?
now, lets see if you can answer the questions.