I also emailed everyone at Fox, Beck, Hannity, Oreilly, America's Newsroom, Greta, Cavuto, etc. If this pans out to be legit, I hope to get an apology from most of them.
You are going to hear the following argument why it's not authentic, but there are explanations. You will here that there was no Republic of Kenya in 1964 (per date on the BC), however, posted on the atty's website from two commenters:
1. "At Daily Kos, you can already see some of the lines of attack by the Obots being formed in response to this news:
1. Ignore it.
2. Say it's a forgery, claiming that Kenya didn't call itself the Republic of Kenya until December 1964
even though it became independent on December 12, 1963.
3. Call for Taitz' disbarment
4. Call birthers racist, religious nuts and right wing kooks"
2. "The author concludes that this document comes from when Obama's mother and father were divorced in 1964, at which point the Kenyan Constitution would have been in effect. The Kenyan Constitution at
http://kenya.rcbowen.com/constitution/ refers to the government as a "republic," the same term used in the birth document."
AND from link below:
"Paper color is correct, as is age of coloration, wear on the ribbon ink of the font.
This document matches exactly what it should look like having been generated in 1964 and held in files for this long for "safekeeping".
This brings me to the source of this. I realize World Net Daily states the anonymous person is concerned about their life, but considering the document is now secured by Orly Taitz, has been copied and is appearing in more places than Obama's forgery......the lawyers family is not in any danger.
In lawyer, I'm not speaking of Orly Taitz, but the legal firm or family members who had custody of the divorce papers of Stanley Ann "mentaly cruelty Barack sr." Obama.
These are the papers I featured here not long ago in pointing out that in the strangest of terms, Stanley Ann Dunham committed perjury in stating she was a resident of Hawaii for two years when she was a resident of Washington during this time.
As that residency had nothing to do with filing for divorce, it is now speculated that 2 year residency in lying about it might have to do with custody of a 2 year old Barry.
Stanley Ann's papers were filed in January of 1964. Her other court procedings I believe in the series of documents shows to March of 1964.
Look closely at the date of this document issued out of Kenya, February 17th, 1964. This would fit the timeline in Stanley Ann filing, lawyers discussing legalities of custody and residency as an America (not a natural born American).
Stanley Ann's Lawyer would have requested a copy of this birth certificate so that she would have sole custody of the two year old child. See unlike being an Obama in the White House, one does need a real birth certificate in court to prove a child is really your child.
Granted it is not Madelyn Dunham, so we still do not know how a non pregnant looking Stanley Ann in swim suit dropped an 8 pound kid a few months later, but nothing in this has made any sense from the start.
So in reasonable deduction, this is the Lawyer's copy of the Stanley Ann Dunham Obama divorce proceedings. He kept it in files for his legal protection and the family or law firm kept them as everyone does in boxes of papers which mean nothing to anyone.
This is what I was speaking about in there is more evidence out there than people even know. Someone it is deducted figured this out after something jogged in someone's memory or someone did a bit of investigative work and was allowed access to these old unsealed files which mattered to no one, except Axelrod Inc.
I'd like to figure out this Kenyan independence thing.
One of the attorneys emailed me when I asked about it and said we'll have to wait and see how this new find pans out. I'm sure there will be endless analysis about this, if just mostly on line.