Uh Oh!
This helps explain "BO's mom wouldn't have put a birth announcement in the paper in anticipation of his being president." Someone brought up that since his dad was Kenyan and if BO was born in Kenya, his dad could have taken him away from his mom, so she had to establish he was born here. Another issue is BO's mom was using multiple SS#s for herself, so she knew how to work the system.
"More cracks have appeared in the official story of Barack Obama's family life, with the revelation in school documentation from the University of Washington that Ann Dunham most likely left her husband, Barack Sr., within weeks of the baby's birth...
But here are a number of critical dates documenting the birth of Barack Obama Jr. from available public records.
* Ann Dunham was born Nov. 29, 1942, according to her original Social Security Card. This would have made her 18 years old at the time Barack Obama Jr. was born.
* Barack Obama Jr. was born Aug. 4, 1961; this would put his date of conception at the earliest on or around Nov. 4, 1960, assuming there was a full nine months of pregnancy.
* Records provided to WND by Stuart Lau, university registrar in the Office of Admissions and Records at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, document that Ann Dunham's first day of instruction at the university was Sept. 26, 1960, less than six weeks before the earliest date Barack Obama, Jr. could have been conceived.
* Ann Dunham and Barack H. Obama, Sr.'s divorce decree states they were married Feb. 2, 1961, in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii. This would mean Obama's parents were married approximately three months after Barack Obama, Jr. was conceived, if the baby went full-term.
* Instead of staying in Hawaii with her husband and new baby, Ann Dunham began classes at the University of Washington in Seattle in September 1961 for the autumn semester, less than two months after Obama was born. WND confirmed this date with Madolyne Lawson of the Office of Public Records at the University of Washington.
* Ann Dunham took up residence in Seattle at 516 13th Ave. E., according to the 1961 Seattle Polk directory. This residence was torn down in 1985 and is now replaced by twin Capital Park residential towers; the Seattle Polk Directory listing is for a "Mrs. Anna Obama," a variant of her name that most researchers have considered to be Ann Dunham. [picture of residence in link]
* At most, Barack Obama Sr. and Ann Dunham lived together for approximately eight months, from Feb. 2, 1961, the date of their marriage, until September 1961 when Ann Dunham began her studies at the University of Washington. But there is nothing on the public record to suggest Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. ever lived together again as man and wife.
* There is nothing on the public record to suggest that Ann Dunham's mother, Madelyn Dunham, accompanied her daughter to Seattle in September 1961, even though she was 18 years old and responsible for a baby who was less than two months old.
* There is no evidence on the public record that Obama Sr. ever joined his wife in Seattle. Instead, the public evidence is that Obama Sr. remained in Hawaii, while his wife and infant son established their residence in Seattle.
* Obama Sr. began studies at Harvard University in September 1962, which means Dunham did not return to live in Hawaii until after Obama Sr. had left the islands, never to return to Hawaii again as a resident.
* The same records show Dunham did not resume her studies at the University of Hawaii until April 1963 for the spring semester, when Barack Obama was approximately one year and five months old.
* Dunham and Obama Sr. were divorced Jan. 20, 1964.
The dates appear reliable, especially given the limited documentary evidence available about Barack Obama’s birth circumstances.
Timeline of President Obama's birth [image on link]
The dates permit the construction of this timeline:
The timeline raises several questions:
1. Were Dunham and Obama Sr. ever very much in love, even at the beginning of their relationship, or was the marriage always one of convenience arranged to mask an inconvenient pregnancy?
2. Did Dunham and Obama Sr. ever live together as man and wife, and if so, what testimony is there from neighbors at the time that would establish their residence address?
3. Was Obama Jr. born in Hawaii, or was he born in Kenya? Could he have been born in Seattle or possibly even in British Columbia?
4. What hospital was Obama Jr. born in, and who was the attending physician? What official records establish these facts?
5. Who are Obama Jr.'s true birthright parents?
6. Why has President Obama prevented the release to the American public of his long-form original birth certificate listing the hospital of his birth, the attending physician and the identity of his parents, as recorded at the time of his birth? What information is on the original, long-form birth certificate that President Obama does not want the American people to see?
Many of these questions should be able to be answered if the American public could authenticate Barack Obama's original long-form birth certificate listing the hospital where he was born, the date and time of the birth, the attending physician and the names of the parents.