From Lou Dobb's Website. The video link shows an error message for me and won't play. Scrubbed maybe?
Lou thinks BO was born in HI, but wants to know why he won't produce his BC. The prez of CNN gets involved and dismisses Dobbs and says that it's a nonissue, that HI went to electronic BCs and destroyed their hard copies (NOT)
July 24, 2009
Face Off: Obama’s Birth Certificate
President Obama promised transparency in government… yet the White House won’t release his original birth certificate. Many Americans are asking… why not?
The mainstream liberal media is attacking me for simply asking the question. Meanwhile… the state of Hawaii says it cannot release a paper copy of the president’s original birth certificate because it discarded the original document when its health department records went electronic eight years ago. That explanation has not satisfied critics though. Joining Lou: Roland Martin, CNN contributor and syndicated columnist, and Congressman Ted Poe. [video follows but doesn't work for me]