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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize (I'm NOT joking!)

Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT


From the UK: "Comment: absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize" http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6867711.ece

From Canada: "Nobel Prize Joke" http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/15598
and "‘Peace Prize to Obama - big mistake by Nobel committee’ http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/15593

He was nominated 12 days into office. Ironic that he wins this on the very day he's meeting with his war cabinet about what to do with Afghanistan.
Of course rational people are realizing that this is more a vote against Bush.

Another article

"Still, some said the award came too soon, in light of the lack of tangible progress toward the vital goals of bringing peace to the Middle East, persuading Iran to give up its nuclear ambitions and improving relations with North Korea.

“The award is premature,” said Eugene Rogan, director of the Middle East Center at Oxford University in England. “He hasn’t done anything yet. But he’s made clear from the start of his presidency his commitment to promote peace. No doubt the Nobel committee hopes the award will enhance his moral authority to advance the cause of peace while he’s still president.”

Reaction was far more muted in some Islamic countries. In Pakistan’s central city of Multan, radical Islamic leader Hanif Jalandhri said he was neither happy nor surprised by Obama’s award.

“But I do hope that Obama will make efforts to work for peace, and he will try to scrap the policies of (former U.S. President George) Bush who put the world peace in danger,” said Jalandhri, the secretary general of a group that oversees 12,500 seminaries. “This prize has tripled Obama’s responsibilities, and we can hope that he will try to prove through his actions that he deserved this honor.”


And speaking of Afghanistan...pigs are flying

'Code Pink' rethinks its call for Afghanistan pullout
In Afghanistan, the US women's activist group finds that their Afghan counterparts want US troop presence – as well as more reconstruction.
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Jan 31, 2006
Kremmling, Colorado
Great! More stuff to swell that already worthless pile of crap on his shoulders he calls a head.

How is it that this "man" can pull the wool over everybody in the entire world's eyes except the normal people like us who don't have the power to do anything about him? He has done absolutely nothing to help our country since he was sworn in but yet the media and the rest of the world adore him. The way I see it, is the way they see and treat him is kinda like me kneeling before a steaming pile of the nastiest most foul smelling crap and praying to it. Rant over
Dec 31, 2007
Lolo, MT
Rigoberta Menchu Won The Nobel Peace Prize Too
By Jack Cashill
The left's attraction to the obviously false is nothing new. For well nigh a century, in fact, the world's intellectual elite has been crafting and enabling fraud on a wide range of critical subjects and, when the mood strikes, awarding intellectual deceit with Nobel Peace Prizes...

Aug 28, 2008
North Central MN
he is getting a nobel piece prize for his "intensions" on stoping nuclear stuff?

well, i have "intensions" of inventing a car that i can fly to the moon. where's my nobel piece prize? what a joke.
Nov 26, 2007
Arlington, WA
More countries are shooting missiles all over. The mideast is worse than ever. China, Korea. Who the fawk makes these decisions??? The way things are going, nobody can honestly say they have earned a "peace" prize. First there needs to be more peace doesn't there??
Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
He was nominated 2 weeks into his presidency. Very clearly the award has no meaning.

Who else won it? Al Gore. That guy should be put in jail if you ask me. He's no better than Berni Madoff. He has made $102,000,000 spreading his global warming propaganda based on lies. People paid him to speak, he just fed them lies, and laughed the way to the bank.
Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
On more comment on this BS.

They are saying his calls to disarm nuclear weapons world wide is what won it for him. First, no disarming has been done. Second, the idea of disarming is rediculous.

Let me use an analogy. You're super paranoid about crime in your neighborhood so while you sit on your couch in the evenings and watch TV you keep a shot gun pointed at your front door. One night an armed burgler breaks the door down. Now what does Obama do if he was the one protecting his home, he says "Oh, you're not a threat to my safety" and unloads and sets his gun down.

That makes as much sense as getting rid of our nuclear weapons while Iran and N. Korea are arming themselves. There are far too many countries and people in this world that would love the chance to wipe us off the face of this planet to not protect ourselves to the highest degree possible.


Well-known member
If people can't see that the powers at be handed this to him they are blind! He is a f*cking puppet! If this doesn't wake people up and make them see there is a much bigger agenda than him here, they are fools and tools! This is all part of the plan for the sheep to blindly follow him! Now he will get more stupid sheep that will say, "Oh he won the noble peace prize, he must be a good man...uh and I am a stupid douche."



Well-known member
Even in the leftist MSNBC poll people are saying WTF?!?!?:

Cast your vote here

wow 62% say no! damn!

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