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Obama must read



Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
some might argue the opposite

they might argue the opposite but it doesn't change the fact!

that is kind of like arguing that Yamaha's are not heavy and are competitive without boost. You can make that argument all day long, but it does not change the fact you are wrong.:eek::D

Obama, if elected, ........... It's not going to happen so we wont even go there......

What about stupid people by themselves?:devil:

stupid people by themselves.... HMmmmmmm


Well-known member
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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
i would like you to think about this mr.wade....I have many good friends who have worked for many different presidential campaigns over the years. EVERY one of them says they have never seen people work together like they have under Obama. He has proven that he can obviously organize people and get them to work together very effectivly, something i really havent seen McCain accomplish....i think this ability is a big part of a presidents job.

You guys know who else had little expeirence but could organize peopel and get them to work for him....the guy had alot of "IDEAS" that he thought would be good for the country and he was REAL good and TALKING about them and getting people on board. You know who it was........

Just a guy by the name of Adolf.

winter brew

Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
LakeTapps, Wa.
Obama doesn't get my vote, but he has a LITTLE more experience than just 143 days.....how about his 8 years as Illinois State senator?? Does that count? Here's a educational copy/paste for those that don't take the time to check out ALL the facts. ;)

Barack Hussein Obama II[2] (pronounced /bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the junior United States Senator from Illinois. He is the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election, and the first African American to be a major party's presumptive nominee for President of the United States.[3]

A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was President of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. After announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama emphasized withdrawing American troops from Iraq, energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Obama doesn't get my vote, but he has a LITTLE more experience than just 143 days.....how about his 8 years as Illinois State senator?? Does that count? Here's a educational copy/paste for those that don't take the time to check out ALL the facts. ;)

I thought he was a terrorist and ate babies? Going to have to edit that wiki page.....
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Obama doesn't get my vote, but he has a LITTLE more experience than just 143 days.....how about his 8 years as Illinois State senator?? Does that count? Here's a educational copy/paste for those that don't take the time to check out ALL the facts. ;)

Barack Hussein Obama II[2] (pronounced /bəˈrɑːk hʊˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/; born August 4, 1961) is the junior United States Senator from Illinois. He is the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election, and the first African American to be a major party's presumptive nominee for President of the United States.[3]

A graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was President of the Harvard Law Review, Obama worked as a community organizer and practiced as a civil rights attorney before serving in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, he announced his campaign for the U.S. Senate in January 2003. After a primary victory in March 2004, Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He was elected to the Senate in November 2004 with 70% of the vote.

As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, he helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for returned U.S. military personnel. After announcing his presidential campaign in February 2007, Obama emphasized withdrawing American troops from Iraq, energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care as top national priorities.

Sorry, I trusted the word of a Democrat on that.
Before he bowed out of the race, Sen. Joe Biden dismissed the legislative accomplishments of three Democratic primary rivals with whom he served. About Barack Obama, he said, “Barack Obama hasn’t passed any."

Just kidding, I'm not as stupid as a senior Democrat, and knew better. Biden was referring to US Congressional Bills, and he was wrong. Obama has actually done a little bit more than Mrs. Clinton, even though she's been there longer.

Yes, he took office with the US Senate in Jan 05, announced his intention to run for president on Feb 07. So, he had two years in the Senate, and he managed to pass one bill. [Obama was lead sponsor of a bill to provide relief and promote democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which was signed into law in December 2006.] (so there you go) And, a lot of people commented that he "took action" but was rarely there for the debates.

Most of the bills he "worked" on after he announced were deemed to be "helper bills". Basically, people that supported Obama for president, put his name on the bills (that Obama wanted), so they could better fortify his "accomplishments". He wasn't in the Senate very much, so I can't imagine when he found time to do all that great work.

would like you to think about this mr.wade....I have many good friends who have worked for many different presidential campaigns over the years. EVERY one of them says they have never seen people work together like they have under Obama. He has proven that he can obviously organize people and get them to work together very effectivly, something i really havent seen McCain accomplish....i think this ability is a big part of a presidents job.

Your good friends have probably never seen so many people so motivated to get "any" democrat into the President's office. After two narrow losses, and Bush's war, gas prices, housing crash, and whatever else they can blame the Minority Republicans and Bush/Cheny for. They'd probably vote for a yellow dog. If McCain's so incompetent, why is he dead even with the great motivator and leader Obama? Hummm, maybe smooth talking Obama lacks something, or maybe the Republicans are working hard also, but don't get the media attention, that the golden child does? It's true the Dems have gotten a lot of young people to register to vote, but as usually, will they find time between coffee and their social calendar to actually show up at the polls.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 18, 2008
Soooo...the Dems have been on vacation for 3 weeks now, Pelosi is threatening Leiberman with his job, WTF, trying to sell her "book", and making money off of her $250,000 stock in the gas/oil market and the Republicans are still meeting? And Obama claims to be a Christian but is for pro-choice? Add a few earmarks with Pelosi, Bill and Hillary @ the Dem convention and it sure sounds like this party is working together as one. Unbelievable. McCain 08:face-icon-small-win
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Soooo...the Dems have been on vacation for 3 weeks now, Pelosi is threatening Leiberman with his job, WTF, trying to sell her "book", and making money off of her $250,000 stock in the gas/oil market and the Republicans are still meeting? And Obama claims to be a Christian but is for pro-choice? Add a few earmarks with Pelosi, Bill and Hillary @ the Dem convention and it sure sounds like this party is working together as one. Unbelievable. McCain 08:face-icon-small-win

Yha, I can't remember, are the Clinton supporters going to vote For / Against / or Abstain, Obama?????? And, Jessee, wants to cut his Nads off. But hey, Germany likes him, and that speaks volumes to me.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
i would like you to think about this mr.wade....I have many good friends who have worked for many different presidential campaigns over the years. EVERY one of them says they have never seen people work together like they have under Obama. He has proven that he can obviously organize people and get them to work together very effectivly, something i really havent seen McCain accomplish....i think this ability is a big part of a presidents job.

Hitler could too, does that mean he was good?


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
I look at the simple fact that our economy is in heading in a bad direction. It has been proven time and again that raising taxes on the people that make money costs jobs as they are the ones actually creating jobs and raising taxes in general during hard economic times does more damage to the economy. Without a stong economy that provides the funds for all the other things that keep us safe we are vulnerable. If you think the most important thing is to increase taxes to pay for programs that don't really solve problems but create dependency on the government then by all means vote for Obama.

But if you would rather see our economy stabilized/boosted and therefore create more jobs, therefore creating a larger tax base that pays for all those programs that the liberals like so much then vote for McCain. I'm not a big fan of McCain but he's far and away better for our country right now than Obama.

For some reason people think that Obama can create all these jobs in spite of the fact that everything he plans on doing, has been shown by history to do the opposite. But oh yeah he's the new masiah so economic truths and laws don't matter. :rolleyes:

Now the alternative energy issue that Obama says is going to create all these jobs he speaks of. How will raising taxes (hurting the economy) to pay for subsidies on energy sources that can't be profitable on their own decrease energy costs?

It can't and therefore creates more government dependance.

Just what any good liberal/socialist wants, for everyone to be dependant on them thereby keeping them in power since they promise to feed that need in return for the vote.

They raise taxes on companies like Wal-Mart (to punish them evil capitalists and give it to the poor) and guess who pays those taxes?

The customer.

Who is relegated to shop at places like Wal-Mart do to the lower prices than the botique or local mom and pop shops?

The poor/not so rich and most of the people on said government programs. Hmm seems like a vicious circle to me. Especially when the taxes for everyone else go up and that decreases their disposable income so they go to Wal-Mart, and the mom and pops go out of business, and they are relegated to go to Wal-Mart.

Round and Round it goes until everyones broke and stuck on Govt. Programs only now the Govt is broke too.

But hey Obama's President and we're all miserable together right? We'll have free healthcare that we can wait in line for without the best doctors in the world because they have all gone to other countries that appreciate talent instead of punishing it through excessive taxes and lawsuits. John Edwards has a 27000 Sq ft mansion for him and his mistress, and Pelosi is still sitting on major bank from the investments she made in T. Boone Pickens' wind farm that she and Obama and the rest of them subsidized during Obamas first Term. Bill and Hillary will be sitting fine as they'll still be doing book tours and speaking engagements only overseas now since nobody here will be able to afford higher education.

Seems like a good plan to me. What the heck it's only the future of our nation and our lives as we know them.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 18, 2008
Yha, I can't remember, are the Clinton supporters going to vote For / Against / or Abstain, Obama?????? And, Jessee, wants to cut his Nads off. But hey, Germany likes him, and that speaks volumes to me.

Backfire for Obama, I guess Hillary wants her butthurt supporters to support him...kind of weird. Party unity I guess:confused: Funny how Jesse wasn't asked to speak in Denver, but I wonder if Oprah and Clooney will be there? Because we all know how important Hollywood people are:p Funny how they don't believe in the right to bear arms but yet hire bodyguards that carry arms to protect them:confused: Obama campaign disappointed with uncorrect remarks from Pelosi's book? They're on the same side and can't even get their story correct. Wonder where Colin Powell will be...not in Denver! Pelosi and the Dem's knowing Leiberman will help McCain carry the independent vote so they try to disown him? I think the country is finally seeing through the master(de)bator and recognizing the truth. Go McCain:beer;
Nov 26, 2007
Dumbest Quote of the Century

'My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it.'

- Barack Obama


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
"In such circumstances, I decided we could not afford to wait," he said. "We can't wait to fix schools, end global warming, save our streams, our rivers, our forests. That's why I'm running for president, right here, right now. We can't wait," he said, repeating that three times.
Apr 3, 2008
Billings Mt.
When i think of experience in the presidential sense i think of doing something remarkable for the country before you run...Has Obama? no, but i like the ideas he has. Has McCain? well if you call giving other conservative bj's under their desks remarkable, then i guess??:confused:

All i can say, if McCain gets elected, i hope he has a good vice, thatll be our president in 5 months....

This is sad when people will vote for someone, when their reason is Change, We need change, If I am elected we will have change. And People are stupid enough to vote for them. Any business owners out their??? Taxes, Oh yea Taxes, Cmental to save the good old USA.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
This is sad when people will vote for someone, when their reason is Change, We need change, If I am elected we will have change. And People are stupid enough to vote for them. Any business owners out their??? Taxes, Oh yea Taxes, Cmental to save the good old USA.

When you look at both McCain's and Obama's stance on taxes and what they are planning to do, they are pretty darn close to being the same.. You might want to check it out.... Seems a lot of people are assuming something here.
Thanks for wasting that 15 minutes of my life to read that. I read one actual attempt at providing some "facts" on the issues, rather than just spew ridiculous garbage. I feel sorry for the people who actually believe the negative Obama campaign.

I would like for all of you to go to McCain's and Obama's website and see what they are about. Make a decision to vote based on actual facts, not junk like "Obama is going to raise ALL our taxes and take ALL our guns and create a bigger government."

Come on, I know some of you are smarter than this.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
OK here you go the taxes under each. Taken from CNN Money.com

Income Avg. tax bill Avg. tax bill
Over $2.9M -$269,364 +$701,885

$603K and up -$45,361 +$115,974

$227K-$603K -$7,871 +$12

$161K-$227K -$4,380 -$2,789

$112K-$161K -$2,614 -$2,204

$66K-$112K -$1,009 -$1,290

$38K-$66K -$319 -$1,042

$19K-$38K -$113 -$892

Under $19K -$19 -$567

Now take into consideration on WHO pays out the paychecks in this country/Who the business owners are and how much they make.

Under McCain the top 2 tiers referenced could employ 1 and 6 more employees @ 45K per year and under Obama would lose 2 and 15 employees respectively. Granted this is a vague description but it illustrates the idea. In order for your boss or company to expand and employ more people they must have the money to do it. If they are punished exponentially for increased success then why expand am employ more? out of the goodness of their heart. NO its all about the Benjamin's.

Oh and I have read both their websites but Obama's is hard to keep up with since he's constantly changing his stance on just about everything.
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