Are you leaving any rubber on the clutches ? If so where, Top, bottom, middle on primary and secondary ? Where is the belt riding in the primary ?
I took some pictures of them for you.
Just by looking at the clutching to me it seems like you need a stiffer secondary spring. You will also need more weight if you go to a stiffer secondary to overcome the stiffer spring.
What would you recommend? I have heard a lot of people recommend the Arctic Cat Yellow spring not just for my application but for nytro's in general
Can you tell us what RPM you are seeing at WOT ?
I have adjusted the rivets in the weights to achieve 8900 on the trail and 85-8600 on a pull in bottomless powder.
If your slipping the belt it is either a clutching issue or possibly snow. My guess is the clutching. Your a heavier guy and need to clutch for it.
I think after the duct tape experiment that your's not snow getting in. As for clutching for my weight when I paid Hartman Inc. for my clutch kit it was supposed to be built for my weight/elevation/and track size.
Which sled is this ? A 2009 Nytro MTX with a 162 ? and AAEN pipe correct ?
Yup that's it but it' has a AAEN header on it as well. I figure it's best to be specific in this situation.
One thing i do notice is your weights seem very light. A stock Apex weight 8FS is 65 grams empty. Granted you are running a shallow helix with a soft spring but still something to look at. I'm guessing your belt isn't riding very high in the primary.
Judging by the pictures I would have to agree with you 100%, but my RPM's are within spec so I figured it was just because of the smaller rollers I have.
Answer these questions and maybe we can figure it out. The problem here is your running a stock Nytro with a pipe and most guys here are in the 200+ power range with turbo kits. If it was a turbo you would be figured out LOL.
Well I will eventually have a turbo kit...I pay my own way through school so Housing/Tuition/Books/Food gets HELLA expensive but when I graduate I'm going to join the cool kids club!