You guys want to see a major change in the schools??
Fire the school boards. Fire every single one of them.
Give the money you save (trust me it will be millions) to the schools.
Give each school an accountant.
Then you put a group together that consists of the following.
the principal, vice principal, a couple teachers (elected by the other teachers)and a half dozen parents (elected by the other parents).
No one is paid, you do it because you want to.
Then, cut sports. Slash the chit out of it. There is no need to spend 40%+ of a schools budget on sports. That is what PE is for. I don't care if you know how to play hockey or baseball or football or golf. I do care if you know how to do math, science or know history.
How will firing the school board; getting ride of people that volunteer their time, save millions? The rest is cool however.