I tested down to 2200 rpms engagement speed. But the spring I can make is 100 start with about 2700~2900 (Depending on ramp number) My first "holy cow" moment was at the edge of a bank on a lake. Bank, about 5ft high, steep, but the shape, "I'm scared what’s underneath". Top it off, a few trees, like a sled length past the crest of it. You get on the top, yer making a right turn, right now. Im not taking a run at it.
I circle out on the lake and come back dead-straight-on the bank, stop. 28~2900, I press throttle slowly, sled moves, squeeze throttle more and speed up the bank and I flop the sled on top, stopped. Holy cow, I look back at the guys and they are “YEAAAH! ! !” That was our only way back up outta that place. Boys follow me up to top of the hill and stop. Helmet off I said “holy sh}t I can’t believe I dint get stuck-as-fk there. I scooted right up that.
Now I know the trick for that bank. Approach the skirt, not trenching with too much engine rpm and try your best not to spin the track. I tractored right up it.
We 90% tree ride. I find with 2900 rpms or less, I’ve more confidence turning around in trees (plan B). For our snow type, low engine speeds crawling around seems keeping the sled on the snow, like it packs the snow instead of trenching, throwing the snow out. And when I need to givver, I can trench it if I want to make the turn faster and more sharp with skis in the air. In the end, I can say, Ive got more throttle control to make “Pro” moves in the trees. haha
When were in the trees and there's all these benches like 8 to 20 ft, I find with lower engine speed at part throttle, I have more time to think and keep moving at the same time, then pin-it up something and many times im like...."I can't believe i made that".
Builds confidence very good.
Now, opposite of that; Ive customers in Quebec and Sweden who wanted higher engagement, like 3400+ for whatever they are doing. Ok, I send them an additional standard spring with 150(3400) or 170(36~3700) start and now they can fk around with engagement speeds to suit them.