White River MVUM regulations
Sorry that I am joining this thread late. My name is Jack Albright and I am the Vice President of the White River Forest Alliance. We are the organization that represented recreationalists in the Hidden Gems Wilderness debate, including snowmobilers. Being an avid rider and living in the heart of the WRF, I have been aware of this and working on it all week. Some of the guys who got tickets are even friends of mine.
This is the third year that this regulation has been in place. It just hasn't impacted us until this year due to lack of snow. This specific set of rules is relative to the WRF travel management only. Rules will be different in other forests. We feel that a lack of communication of these rules is probably the most disappointing aspect. That said, it is our responsibility to understand the the regulations of our backcountry activities.
Specifically, I am working with the Forest Manager on clarification of two exemptions that are provided in the 36 CFR. The first is regulations regarding State, County, or other Local legal right of ways. This may give us the ability to ride on some of the same roads as other vehicles prior to November 23rd if they have the proper designation. The other is access via oversnow vehicles to private in holdings. This may be on a defined route, but it would be access all the same. In addition to these clarifications, I am working on getting an understanding for what it would take for special exceptions in the case of an extraordinary event in which wildlife concerns are no longer a factor and the snow depths would be adequate out side of the defined winter season.
Sorry this is so long, but I want everyone to know that there are people and organizations working to be sure that our interests and opinions are heard along with the other forest visitors by those in charge of managing our amazing public forest lands.
If anyone has any specific thoughts or questions, you can email me at