I fixed your quote
"The IQR will go down in history as the most successful race sled ever designed, by any manufacture, period."
That said, the IQR is what both the PRO RIDE and AXYS chassis sled are born from. If you compare the critical geometry you would realize that, so to emulate the sleeker AXYS looking plastics onto the tried and true, bullet proof IQR bulkhead just gives the pilots of these sleds that much more of an advantage over the dated and bulbous original IQR plastics as well as their competition. And the change is more than just plastics according to some sources. A more balanced riding position which was a key engineering target for the AXYS chassis. I'm liking the upgrade and I own three IQR's and am hoping to get access to the newer plastics and other upgrades as I deem appropriate for my use.
IMO the new plastics have little to do with marketing the consumer sleds, It is more about making the sled even more aggressive and allowing the pilots to gain body positioning to rail that much harder (by being able to get further forward to gain more traction and lean harder to corner sharper and cleaner). The original plastics actually hinder and limit the pilot from pushing the sled to it's limits.
My $0.02 FWIW