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New and Improved--Coloradosledcity.com


If it's so new, why didn't they make some IMPROVED changes?... I'm trying to get info on a certain riding area, and so far, it says they only have 4 inches of snow. I KNOW better than that, so how can this "new and improved" website be so great if I can't even pull up an updated riding area trail system map,....or a new groomed trail report.....or ?????????????

I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, it's all put on by volunteers... HOWEVER, why doesn't CSA demand more out of those volunteers..... (they got a NEW GROOMER) IT pi$$e$ me off that our sled registrations were upped 5 more bucks a piece, and we can't get any info on a place to ride here in COLORADO...
The fee raise is no big deal IMO. If it helps keep our riding areas open that's all I want. So $5 -10 is no bid deal if i can still play.

The website is a different story. You either do it the right way or don't do it. The CSA does not specialize in Websites. IMO all their efforts should go toward leaving our ridiing areas open because that is where their expertise lies.

my 2 cents.
The fee raise is no big deal IMO. If it helps keep our riding areas open that's all I want. So $5 -10 is no bid deal if i can still play.

Yes but why is it that are fee's go up but we keep losing land inch by inch?
I don't mind the increase but show me where the improvements are being made other than the politician’s pockets?
Yes but why is it that are fee's go up but we keep losing land inch by inch?
I don't mind the increase but show me where the improvements are being made other than the politician’s pockets?

Jim, you took the words right outta my mouth!

I think that the reason we are losing so much riding area is the fact that we aren't loud enough, rich enough or educated enough! The greenies have huge teams that are dedicated to one thing and only one thing. They have very high profile people helping their cause. Hollywood is full of rich, powewrful people that are always in the public eye and most of them are greenies and they know how to make a lot of noise! They have managed to draw enough positive attention to themselves, therefore they are heard first! The only people that can't stand the greenies are the motorized recreationalists and hunters (us) and we are a very small percentage of the population!
It takes a little navagating but you can access the Groomer's Report and the Trail Map by going to the Area drop down on the home page.

If the clubs report their grooming, then the comments will be found on that page.

The Maps are posted by each individual club.

There is a Comments page--a good way to make your feelings known, one way or the other.

I am happy to know that our trails are groomed by the various clubs. I have contacted numerous clubs to get specific grooming schedules and trail conditions prior to a ride and have had maps mailed to me---try that in a state run grooming program like Wyoming and see what you get.:(

BTW, I don't have any association with CSA other than being a member of the Mile High Snowmobile Club (which automatically provides membership in CSA) and paying my dues which are darn reasonable considering the costs to do business in this state.

We are all concerned about loosing riding areas---join a club and do your part:)
Yes but why is it that are fee's go up but we keep losing land inch by inch?
I don't mind the increase but show me where the improvements are being made other than the politician’s pockets?

I hear ya... I'm not a good politician so i'll leave it to the associations. They have my full support even if they aren't doing a good job.
It would be nice to be able to see up-to-date snow reports. I do not feel that it would be hard to set up. Find some one who rides that area and is part of CSA and ask them to write there once a week. IE.. I was at South Fork 12/13/07. Fresh powder 6+ feet in last 6 days. Can not groom TOO MUCH SNOW. tah dah.

As for the rate increases for tags, I think it is a great idea. I donated lots of money last year and this year to the RIGHT TO RIDE fund and search and rescue. I love to ride snowmobiles. I would like to see more go and show. We as a group are not loud enough. What the greenies want they get and we are stuck with the end trails. Rabbit ears pass is a great example. Space and parking is just not equal. I do not have answers, but there has to be some one out there that has some and is "freiendly to the snowmobiling community."

My .02 cents and it is late so I problably have no idea what I am talking about.

Maybe Snow Talk could provide a link to Coloradosledcity.com in this 4M under Colorado.

I am finding that even the Snotel gov't site is not always working correctly. If you belong to a club, ask your CSA rep to relay your complaints, and if your club does grooming, maybe the groomer needs to communicate better---but probably the pay they receive is too much and they are all out spending their free time and CSA $$$ at the local :beer;:beer;:beer;:beer;joint::D D
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