Well it started a couple months ago I was approached by my buddy's wife she asked if i would help find him a sled for Xmas. I asked a few questions and what we could spend and the search was on. I found a little summit 670 for less than she wanted to spend so had plenty of funds to put it back into extra clean shape. Idsledhead and my self went over it, everything cosmetic and mechanical that needed fixed got fixed.
Well things went according to plan I delivered it and he was surprised as hell, there was enough snow he spend a few days riding it around home and loved it. Then we made our first trip to the mountains. By the way this is his first sled. he did pretty good it wasn't a deep powder day but a foot of fresh, but i could see him getting frustrated because he couldn't carve or some hills he couldn't make it up.
we talked about rider ability and how it would come with practice. He asked about putting longer track on. Its only a 136 2 inch lug. I said yea its an option but learn to ride it first. I told him he needed bar risers so he could get up off the seat.
So he comes home tells his wife to get on the net and get a pipe bar risers and a 151 track for it. she explains that there funding just isn't there and those things are going to have to wait. one thing leads to another and he ends up telling her that's its embarrassing to ride it its the quietest shortest sled in our group. He tells her to call me and have me pick it up and sell the $#@%$# thing.
So what do I do? I offerd to buy some bar risers to help because that's all i think he needs to get comfortable on it and i feel responsible cause i picked it out. If he wants to sell it should i just take care of it or tell him its his sled you do it. Ive tried calling him the last two days and he wont return my calls

sorry for the long post just wanted some ideas.