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My Polaris Ownership Experience



Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Let me start by saying that I understand that all things mechanical do sometimes break. I'm not upset that I've had problems but that they've not been resolved.

11/20/10 - Took delivery of my brand new Pro-RMK, a proud day indeed

11/21-12/20/10 - Racked up 100 miles in a few rides, carefully and diligently completing the break-in period.

12/21/10 - Headed out for my first big ride in a storm that dumped a few feet here in UT. The first 40 miles went great and then my sled started a hard electrical "bog". I was a good 10+ miles from the truck and at the bottom of a climb. 2 hours later, I slowly working the sled back in the dark.

12/22/10 - DEALER VISIT (1) - Dropped sled with dealer I purchased from, they hooked up to computer and found "about a hundred" codes. Cleared codes and TPS came right back. Dealer had sled 8 days, replaced TPS.

12/30/10 - Picked up sled from Dealer

12/31/10 - Took off early from work (I don't get New Years Eve as a holiday) to ride since I missed the previous weekend and was excited for a big weekend of riding. Unloaded at parking lot, warmed up, rode 3-5 minutes and "bog" returned. Basic symptom of an electrical stumble that appears to initiate at various RPMs but then throws ECU into "limp mode" and keeps the sled from revving over about 4000 RPM.

12/31/10 - New Years weekend riding plans cancelled. Friends left hanging.

1/3/11 - DEALER VISIT (2) - Took sled to a different dealer on the recommendation of a few riding buddies. Dealer looked over plug wire connections and reset all other electrical connections (ECU, TPS, etc) and applied dielectric grease. Sled appeared fixed.

1/5/11 - Picked up sled from Dealer and took for a test run. This was a last-minute weeknight test and so I had to go alone. Warmed up sled fully to 120* as I always do. Rode sled for 25 minutes and appeared to be all fixed. Deliberately rode on bumpy trail and varying speeds in hopes of exposing any lingering issues. Decided sled was fixed and to play around for a bit, called a bud and told him to come out and meet me for a night ride. The friend was about an hour away. Out of no-where on a benign sidehill, just messing around about a 1/2 mile from the parking lot on a road, sled stumbles hard and spits me off. I jump as hard as I can away from the sled. Unfortunately sled rolls in perfect trajectory and lands on me. I was pinned face down in deep snow, feet higher than head. I literally fought for my life. At first I had virtually no air to breath but eventually created a small pocket. Both arms were pinned at first but was able to slowly release one and then the other. Since the track was on my head and the paddles grabbing my helmet, I had to slowly dig a trench to release myself. Fortunately, I am alive.

1/6/11 DEALER VISIT (3) - Dropped sled with dealer again and advised what had happened. Sled had continued to act up on way back to truck after initial issue. It has become clear that the issue is hard to replicate but very real. We re-hash TPS, TSS (ECT), Injector, ECU, and other potential points of concern.

1/8-1/9/11 - I miss yet another weekend of riding while my sled is in the shop.

1/10/11 - After engaging extensively with Polaris engineering, Dealer thinks issue was loose cap inside spark plug wires. Dealer finds that they were 3-4 turns loose of 6 total turns. I pickup sled and take it home.

1/11/11 - I leave work early to test sled. I fire it up in parking lot and let it warm up fully. Sled makes it about 50 feet and stumbles hard. I am barely able to get it back in the truck.

1/11/11 - DEALER VISIT (4) - I call dealer from parking lot of ride spot, turns out there are 2 Polaris engineers on side, so I race right over there. I meet and talk with both Polaris engineers and explain the now growing history of issues with my sled. I try to impress upon them the amount of money I have tied up in this machine that it has not once worked since I finished my break-in. At this point the General Manager of the dealership gets involved and is very sympathetic. He personally takes ownership of the issue and I feel much better.

1/12 - 1/13/11 - The general manager and Polaris engineers put a combined total of about 60 miles on my sled trying to trouble shoot. They replace the TPS again as it appears bad. Following the TPS replacement and during testing it throws codes for the Throttle Safety Switch (ECT) but does not actually show symptoms (eg. stumble). Polaris authorizes replacement of ECT and I am under the understanding that it is.

1/14/11 - Took off from work early again to test sled. I ride approximately 20 more test miles and do not have any issues. With no one to ride with and after last test rides nearly disastrous outcome, I have to keep the sled on very mellow terrain but do get some full throttle pulls and rough whoops in.

1/16/11 - One of the service guys at the dealer graciously invites me to join them for a ride and I accept. Sled runs good for about an hour then starts stumbling hard on full-throttle pulls. I am able to repeat this several times and the service guy is also able to recreate. On this day the symptom is limited to full-throttle so I ride a few more hours in mellow terrain.

1/17/11 - DEALER VISIT (5) - Turns out there are no ECT switches available and it becomes clear that mine was never replaced. Dealer makes an attempt to repair the switch or lessen its impact.

1/20/11 - Left work early (again) and picked up sled in preparation of a big weekend that had been in the planning for months to spend the entire weekend in a backcountry yurt (fancy tent).

1/21/11 - Head out to yurt and get bog and check-engine lights 4 times on 7 mile mellow trail ride in.

1/22 - 1/23/11 - I stick with it and ride my sled, taking huge risks on having it get stuck in heli-rescue type terrain. This is a big weekend for us and fortunately the bog is minor enough that I'm able to get back to the truck. Spooky.

1/24/11 - Planned to head to the dealer only to find out that there are still no ECT switches available! My sled is dead in the water in the middle of winter with no parts.

2/3/11 - Another week passed and I speak to the dealer and again there are no ECT switches. It's entirely too risky to take the sled out so I wait.

2/8/11 - DEALER VISIT (6) - ECT switches arrived and I'm pretty sure that my sled is finally going to be fixed. I drop it off and the dealer pulls the latest code -> "TPS low voltage".

2/10/11 - Picked up the sled and went for a 20 mile test ride. No issues, sled runs good. This time I begged a bud to drop everything to come ride with me so that I can really push the sled. At the end of this ride I'm convinced it's fixed having gotten in many full throttle pulls and quite a bit of hard boondocking.

2/12/11 - I go for a 40 mile ride on what has been my only problem free ride to date. We ride hard and the sled performs very well.

2/21/11 - I took a vacation day to go ride as did 2 buds. We loaded up and headed out for a day of powder thrashing. The first few hours go well and then mid-sidehill the bog strikes again, sending me into a hole. I dig out and get it moving but with each passing minute it gets worse. Miles and miles from anywhere in a very remote and seldom ridden area in UT, we once again had an epic limp out.

2/22/11 - DEALER VISIT (7) Check engine light is now stuck on and sled is behaving as if I have yet another, somewhat different issue. The bog does not appear to be going away. I verified with the dealer that the ECT switch appears to be functioning but we're waiting on computer time to pull all the codes. I have VMs into the dealership GM and a case open with Polaris (who didn't bother to get back to me today).

As of today, I've paid Polaris nearly $12,000 and been able to ride my sled just 1 time in 450 miles without it breaking. I have racked up 2 months worth of dealer visits and nearly 300 miles testing for issues. I have a sled that does not work and so far, I can't get anyone engaged to resolve this issue. I don't hate Polaris or anyone for that matter and all I want is for my sled to be fixed. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed but hope and faith are fading.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Yakima, Wa.
Wow, any chance of getting Polaris to buy the sled back and give you a new one? That many problems in that short of a time sounds like you got a lemon plain and simple:face-icon-small-sad


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
man im sorry to hear about your luck. I think the right thing for Polaris to do is just give you a new sled to ride. I hope they get it fixed, and when they do please let us know what fixed it.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
You need to reveiw the laws in your state, but basically you have 3 choices, 1.. you take the sled to the dealer, unload it tell them you are done..you want your money back or a new sled,2... file a small claims case against both the dealer and polaris industries, in that case you file for whatever you want, new sled, money back, or the sled properly repaired in 1 visit(or they give you free of charge every part needed to fix all issues once and for all and you do the labor)..3...you leave the sled at the dealers and tell them fix it..one time shot at it...call me when done.... most all states have lemon laws..they work andwhile they vary from state to state, generally if something has been in 3 times for the same thing and not properly fixed, its a lemon..as a consumer you have rights...I had to sue gm over a vehicle(was a dealer problem but they couldnt make a proper repair....) gm paid me back what i paid for the vehicle, plus mt attourney fees and dealer got the vehicle back...wasnt a big deal honestly....


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Oct 13, 2008
Sand Hills, North Dakota
mine has only bogged hard once since I've had it. not many miles on it though.......With all those electrical problems and "low voltage" codes I'd start with checking/replacing the stator and its related parts and see where it goes from there. There's a root cause of all your problems, you just need to dig far enough to find it
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
This is truly an unfortunate situation.

Very well laid out and rational in your presentation.:thumb:

It is refreshing for me to see threads like this that simply want to remedy a problem that has not been "fixed" yet.

I hope you have better luck in the near future... and your sled is one of the "satisfied owner stories" that we have heard so much of with this sled.
Nov 28, 2007
i'd be checking every inch of your wiring harness, almost gaurantee you've got some rubbed wires somewhere... there are plenty of places to check. i had made a post about most of the trouble spots earlier in the season, you might look it up and take a gander and see if you find anything!


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
North Ogden, Utah
Unfortunately lemon laws do not apply to snowmobiles, at least in this state (Utah). I know because a few years ago I had a similar experience or a related experience with a new Dragon. I was without my sled for several months with no compensation from Polaris end.

I know all you want is a sled that runs and you deserve that as that is what you paid for. I would really consider getting your free consultation from a good lawyer and see about getting that ball moving. Polaris has been known to drag their feet on things like this. They sure did on my case.

My dealer kicks a$$. I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING! After my bad experience a few years ago I changed dealers and began building a relationship. They take care of me so well, I'll never consider going someplace else. I know one way or the other they would have me on the snow with something like this.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 27, 2007
Selah, WA
Have them replace everything electrical, including harness, switches, sensors, ECU, injectors etc.


Well-known member
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Feb 1, 2010
With your documentation, and attempts to reasonably fix, I'd give them the sled back, in exchange for your monies, or, if you're really reasonable, swap for another new one. If they won't do a deal, get an attorney. You have a strong case with polaris already involved, dealer service experiences, and can't remedy. Somebody, somewhere, might fix it. Who cares. You've invested enough time. You'll never be confident in the sled. Life is too short, riding days too few. If they balk at a deal now, my bet is they will change their tune when your attorney sends them an intent to file letter. Good luck.


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Jul 5, 2001
Riverton, Utah
I'm with Snodawg... after about your 3rd time in the details "heat related" started screaming at me. I have seen it with cars and now we are seeing it with sleds... the techs rely on the dang computer to tell them what's wrong instead of applying basic troubleshooting and deduction. I have no doubt that the parts they are replacing are going bad, but one has to ask why?

I'd be willing to bet $50 that a new computer, voltage regulator, stator or injectors will be the fix.

You are a dang patient man, I would have popped a gasket about the 3rd time.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 2, 2010
Have them replace everything electrical, including harness, switches, sensors, ECU, injectors etc.

X2. If I was at the point you are I wouldn't care what exactly was wrong... I'd take it all out and put all new back in it. Let them close the case with the parts back in Roseau...
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
alot of sled dealers sqweek by with minimum wage mechanics.ask for a loaner until its fixed right.if they wont find a dealer that will.


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
2/23/11 - Received call back from Polaris Consumer Service. I spoke with Amanda who refused to giver he last name or direct contact information. I itemized my issues and politely pleaded my case to have Polaris assist me. After about 12 minutes on the phone with Amanda repeatedly telling me that Polaris will not assist and that it is up to my dealer to resolve, I ask for her manager. I'm given the name Tom but she refuses to give me an extension, direct line or last name. She advises that he (Tom) will not help either. I spent a few minutes on hold waiting to speak to Tom in Polaris Consumer Service. After several minutes another "Amanda" who also refuses to give her last name or direct contact information gives me the same story. I take the time to itemize all of my issues and reiterate that I'm just looking for assistance. Amanda states that Polaris Corporate is completely unwilling to directly help me in any way. Amanda reiterates that there is no one that I can call at Polaris Corporate and that there is no one that will help me from Polaris Corporate. Amanda states time and again that the dealer is my only option even when I remind her that in over 2 months and many visits the issue is not resolved. After several minutes it becomes clear that I can neither appeal to Amanda's sense of Consumer Service or basic human decency. I ask to speak to her supervisor. I'm given the name "Tom" again but told that he is unavailable. I ask for "Tom's" manager and am told there is no one I can speak to. I ask to be connected to anyone or any department at Polaris corporate that might be able to assist me. I am told that there is no one at Polaris corporate that can or will help. I am beside myself. 33 minutes on the phone being told to go away like a bad dog. Thank you Polaris.

If anyone out there has any contact information for anyone at Polaris who might be able to help me, please PM me info.
Nov 28, 2007
didn't poo have a buy back program this year? if you were unhappy with your sled and bought something else seems like there was a $1500 rebate???


Well-known member
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Dec 23, 2007
Have them replace everything electrical, including harness, switches, sensors, ECU, injectors etc.

Not likely. I know a former Polaris dealer and he told me that it is very difficult to get Polaris to warranty stuff. Sounds like you have to have justification and keep the bad parts. You can't blame any manufacturer as they have to make sure shops are not just robbing parts as part of warranty claims.

I think you should check lemon laws for your state. You have a good write up and from the people I know and the others I've seen posts from on here, your situation is unique. My buddy had to have his TPS replaced. Seems Polaris still doesn't have the TPS reliability down yet.

Good luck.


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Just for clarification, there is no Lemon Law on motor vehicles that are not registered to drive on the road in UT. OHV's are not covered by the Lemon Law in UT.
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