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My Polaris Ownership Experience


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 9, 2010
Whistler BC.
2/23/11 - Received call back from Polaris Consumer Service. I spoke with Amanda who refused to giver he last name or direct contact information. I itemized my issues and politely pleaded my case to have Polaris assist me. After about 12 minutes on the phone with Amanda repeatedly telling me that Polaris will not assist and that it is up to my dealer to resolve, I ask for her manager. I'm given the name Tom but she refuses to give me an extension, direct line or last name. She advises that he (Tom) will not help either. I spent a few minutes on hold waiting to speak to Tom in Polaris Consumer Service. After several minutes another "Amanda" who also refuses to give her last name or direct contact information gives me the same story. I take the time to itemize all of my issues and reiterate that I'm just looking for assistance. Amanda states that Polaris Corporate is completely unwilling to directly help me in any way. Amanda reiterates that there is no one that I can call at Polaris Corporate and that there is no one that will help me from Polaris Corporate. Amanda states time and again that the dealer is my only option even when I remind her that in over 2 months and many visits the issue is not resolved. After several minutes it becomes clear that I can neither appeal to Amanda's sense of Consumer Service or basic human decency. I ask to speak to her supervisor. I'm given the name "Tom" again but told that he is unavailable. I ask for "Tom's" manager and am told there is no one I can speak to. I ask to be connected to anyone or any department at Polaris corporate that might be able to assist me. I am told that there is no one at Polaris corporate that can or will help. I am beside myself. 33 minutes on the phone being told to go away like a bad dog. Thank you Polaris.

If anyone out there has any contact information for anyone at Polaris who might be able to help me, please PM me info.

1) go buy 10 Polaris shares (PII - NYSE). 2) Call there, 888-704-5290 and demand to speak to the CEO, Scott Wine... and tell them you are a Polaris Shareholder. If they wont get him, then President and COO Bennett Morgan. Ask them if this was the vision that Edgard Hetteen had when he formed the company?

Explain to them that with a chart like theirs (double top - non-confirmation roll-over...stock's heading back to $60) that you calling their major shareholders and explaining how their products are quickly becoming sub-standard, might not be in their best intrest corporately and that they should find a resolution...and maybe, just maybe, the street will start to regain confidence in their stock and it will begin turning in the right direction!

Dec 7, 2007
ask the dealer to come riding with you some day and then swap sleds, if it bogs out and leaves him stranded it will give you more time to put his sled on your trailer.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
I would drop it off at the dealer (again), ask for one of their demo sleds so you can get a good weekend in. Tell the dealer to change as many electrical parts as the warranty will possibly allow, then go test it themselves. No backorders....swap it off a floor sled at this point. I don't think that is an unreasonable request....we would definetly do that at the car dealership I work it given a similar circumstance.
Nov 30, 2007
I had the same type of issues with a quad I bought in 2006, at the first sign of troubles (motor rebuild, I told him I wanted a new crate motor, he said it will never happen. Well after 2 rebuilds, and countless other engine issues, and threatening to sue, I got my new crate engine. I rode it once after that, it ran awesome, but just didnt trust the brand any more, so I traded it off. It was a very frustrating adventure to say the least, ride it for a day, back to the dealer for a week or so. The dealer was very good about it, but head office wasnt. I never did find out what the issue was with the engine, and to this day I still wonder.

thu man

New member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 29, 2010
Boise, Idaho
Had a very similar problem on a 06 RMK 700. Sled would run great early in the ride and would get worse as the day wore on. Had it into the dealer 3 times and each time codes would say TPS. 1st visit adjusted switch. 2nd time replaced switch. 3rd time said clutch needed rebuilt. 4th time went to another dealer, hooked up to computer and wiggled wiring and found bad wire at TPS switch all while I was standing watching. Never been back to the 1st dealer since!!!
LOVE my 800 PRO. Only 425 miles but 0 problems so far.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 25, 2007
if there is no lemon law, there will be some kind of consumer protection laws....heres a few more to try, find out who is the district polaris rep..talk to him, also contact your omnibudsman, sometimes they can help, you may also consider taking it to a different dealer...there are some good ones around even if it means a bit of a drive....if it gets the sled properly repaired..its well worth a 1 time drive.......contact a lawyer, most will have a sit down with you that is free and here your case, they will tell you what your legal options are..it might be as simple as a letter from him to the dealer to get results...


Trail Coordinator
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
2/23/11 - Received call back from Polaris Consumer Service. I spoke with Amanda who refused to giver he last name or direct contact information. I itemized my issues and politely pleaded my case to have Polaris assist me. After about 12 minutes on the phone with Amanda repeatedly telling me that Polaris will not assist and that it is up to my dealer to resolve, I ask for her manager. I'm given the name Tom but she refuses to give me an extension, direct line or last name. She advises that he (Tom) will not help either. I spent a few minutes on hold waiting to speak to Tom in Polaris Consumer Service. After several minutes another "Amanda" who also refuses to give her last name or direct contact information gives me the same story. I take the time to itemize all of my issues and reiterate that I'm just looking for assistance. Amanda states that Polaris Corporate is completely unwilling to directly help me in any way. Amanda reiterates that there is no one that I can call at Polaris Corporate and that there is no one that will help me from Polaris Corporate. Amanda states time and again that the dealer is my only option even when I remind her that in over 2 months and many visits the issue is not resolved. After several minutes it becomes clear that I can neither appeal to Amanda's sense of Consumer Service or basic human decency. I ask to speak to her supervisor. I'm given the name "Tom" again but told that he is unavailable. I ask for "Tom's" manager and am told there is no one I can speak to. I ask to be connected to anyone or any department at Polaris corporate that might be able to assist me. I am told that there is no one at Polaris corporate that can or will help. I am beside myself. 33 minutes on the phone being told to go away like a bad dog. Thank you Polaris.

If anyone out there has any contact information for anyone at Polaris who might be able to help me, please PM me info.

Err, You have a PM that you might want to look at. Also shoot me your e-mail and I'll get you some more information.


Well-known member
May 19, 2009
Ok folks. First off, I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has contacted me to assist with this. I really hated to go an post a bunch of dirty laundry on the internet but I felt that I had exhausted all other options to bring attention to this issue.

That said, I have been in contact with Polaris and they have been in contact with my Dealer. It seems that a major repair initiative has been authorized including injectors, ECT, TPS and all associated wiring. It's a little pre-mature to call this settled and in-fact, I don't even know when the parts will be available. However, I want to extend a debt of gratitude to those who have jumped in to assist. I am once again patiently waiting to see how this all plays out.


Chilly’s Mentor
Lifetime Membership
Apr 5, 2006
Wokeville, WA.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I believe with what has already been done, that it will likely be a wiring problem, ground problem, or bad ECM. Swapping an ECM maybe should have already been done considering there are repeated trouble codes reocurring EDIT with the affected parts generating trouble codes having already been replaced and repeating same trouble codes. Inspecting the wiring on the affected circuits between the ECM and the affected sensors kicking trouble codes should be done. Verifying functioning grounds should be done.
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Well-known member
May 19, 2009
I actually made a call back after posting this, urging them to replace the ECM along with injectors, harness, TPS, and ECT. I haven't heard back if that's happening or not but at this point I hope no corners are being cut.

Big storm on the way, models show 20-36" through Sunday. Hopefully I'll be riding.

Rev Kev

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Lapeer Michigan
My sled has been at My dealer for almost a month, for a Mid throttle bog, to this day, still no word as to what Polaris has said to fix it. I gave the Mechaniac the info for this site, and everyones problems, and fixes, and He has relayed that to Polaris. Leaving in 8 days for Island Park, fixed or not. Best of Luck to your issues, and Yes, Polaris does have a Buy Back Program on the 2011 sleds, allowing a $1500 dollar credit to a new Polaris sled, I have the form at the House, I could scan and pass it along to you if needed.



Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 14, 2008
Cantonment, FL
This thread really brings back some bad memories I had with polaris over a 2002 Pro X. Sled was at the dealership for 8 months before they figured out they put in the wrong pistons at the factory. I tried to be patient. Wrote three letters to Polaris and the only response I got was we'll extend your warranty four months. Needless to say I have never owned another Polaris since. Unfortunately, the only dealer in my area is Polaris. Seems like a nice guy (I've ridden with him on multiple occasions) but will not deal on a new sled. It's retail or nothing. And with the issues you've brought up, as good of a sled as the PRO can be, polaris customer service scares me to death!! May have to look at the other big three and suck it up and drive the 150 miles to a dealer. Best of luck with your sled. I've been in your shoes and it really is no fun at all.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 9, 2010
Whistler BC.
I still prefered my resolution....right to the top baby...

But hey, replaced injectors might be quicker and friendlier
Aug 11, 2008
Wow, any chance of getting Polaris to buy the sled back and give you a new one? That many problems in that short of a time sounds like you got a lemon plain and simple:face-icon-small-sad

Thats like getting a rotten maggot-infested steak at a restaurant. "Gee, sorry you had a bad meal and your wife is in the restroom vomiting, how about we make up for it by giving you a certificate for another sh*tty meal, sir?" You'd never see my shadow in the door of a Polaris dealer ever again!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 10, 2007
Wow my mind was really set on buying my first Polaris. I rented this sled and an Etec and rode them side by side. I really liked this new pro but after reading ever post on this forum over the last few months it seems like the sleds ride great, but more problems than I hoped for. After reading this I'm not to sure Polaris is so great at standing behind the product. I'm very confident the dealer I do business with would stand behind me, but I'm feeling a little uneasy after reading this. I guess I'll keep watching and see how this works out.


Well-known member
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I think that this is a problem unit... YES.... problem for all involved.
BUT.. I think that Polaris has been dilligent in trying to find the problem.

I don't know of any ONE of the mfgs that does not have some kind of nightmare story posted on one of the fourums... just the nature of the internet... You will hear more of the problems than the victorys posted here.. just the nature of the forums when people are seeking help.

Glad to see that you are getting some direct help now!
Ride some POW soon and let us know how it runs.
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