You just talking grade / junior high schools? There are other schools that can benefit from public money, community colleges, universities...Ruffy I have 2 sisters 1 sister in law and 1 wife that are teachers. All 4 of them will tell you that throwing money at education will not solve the problems faced by schools now days. The biggest problem education is facing today is the parents of the students. They refuse to be parents, they want to be their kids best friends. Schools can't assign homework to kids because they are just to busy to be bothered with homework. parents think that it is only the school systems responsibility to educate their child and they should take no part in it. I could go on and on about what I hear on a daily basis but that would serve no purpose. Just trust me when I say money is a small piece of the puzzle and no matter how much is spent it won't solve the problems
Again, we aren't talking about throwing money at an existing system, but rather utilizing funds to change the system. You are correct through, throwing money at the current system and making no changes does not help the situation much.