Adrenaline Revolution
Well-known member
It doesn't seem like that big of a deal to me; however, I think it's taking it a little far when you put someone down for the neigborhood they live in. A personal attack isn't quite the same as waking up your neighbor.
I doubt at the time the guy was blipping and pinning his throttle in the "hood" that anyone was actually sleeping so I doubt he really woke anyone up but it was not wise to be creating so dam much ear bleeding noise in such a confined housing area. I also have a can on mine but it's the quieter "Thing" can and when I have ridden through the neigborhood I do my absolute best to keep it as quiet as possible.
Why whould anyone be so arrogant to feel that their neigbors want to hear that overly loud thing screaming in through their window?
But he did only make one pass.
BTW, His neighborhood looks nicer than mine
It's just fun !