I try to be nice about not making a lot of unnecessary noise for my neighbors, load my sled the night before if I know I'm leaving before 8 am and stuff like that, but at the same time I pay my mortgage and will do what I want if need be. The neighbors don't seem to have a problem firing up the lawnmower and waking me up early Sunday morning in the summer. That being said I didn't see a problem with him making a couple quick passes during broad daylight to check out the sound/and or performance of his new can. Now the wording of the post could have been different so it wouldn't look like he was trying to piss people off.
I agree, as long as it's during normal hours, and not at 11 or 12 at night, or before 8 in the monrning. No different as construction or mowing the law as already stated.
If your neighbors don't like it, chances are they don't even like them sitting there either.