Most excellent
The "accept without resistance" tirade is especially eye opening.....
True story:
When I was in 5th grade, we had an AWFUL teacher named Mr. D'Amore who would call the kids names like "stupid" and "dummy". One day, as we were being taught grammar, he went off on a tangent about the similar-sounding words "two", "too", and "to". He made the statement that NO sentence could end with the word "to". I raised my hand, to which he said "put your hand down stupid, before you make an azz out of yourself." I briefly put my hand down, thought for a second, and raised it again. He said "don't you understand English?? I said that NO sentence can end with the word to. Put your hand down." At this point, I was insulted enough to risk his wrath by keeping my hand up. Finally he bellowed "OK dummy.....go ahead and say something stupid so the whole class can laugh at you.....Better yet, write it on the board so we can make fun of you all week."
I mustered up all of my courage, went to the black-board and wrote:
"Twenty minutes after my dad knocked him out, Mr. D'Amore finally came to."
Five minutes later, I was in the Principal's office, my doom seemingly sealed. Once the Principal had heard the story, he looked at the teacher and said "sounds like he beat you fair and square Pat". The teacher cursed at me in Italian and stormed back to class. The Principal mussed up my hair and said: "Dave, don't ever be afraid to challenge authority, bullies, or bullies who have authority. Nine times out of ten, they're full of $hit."
I'll remember it forever....
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